AV Club Ist Krieg

When I was in Bermuda, there was many a Dark and Stormy night, but it rarely actually rained.

The walking scene is great, but I like the scene where they blow Mapache away just as much. Borgnine's little laugh and the look at Pike, and the unspoken "Fuck it" are just awesome.

The best sports theme music is a tie between the classic versions of MNF and HNIC.

I notice it most when they're referring to the actual ball. They ALWAYS call it a football. What other kind of fucking ball would they be using?

Which is worse, Englishmen in yellowface and yellow-peril plotlines in "Weng-Chiang", or the Doctor repeatedly referring to Burt Kwouk as a Chinaman and the Dragon dance standing in for the whole of Chinese culture in "Four To Doomsday"?

I'm close to Dogfish, so I've tried pretty much everything they've made. They're not always great, but they are always interesting. The Aprihop Lone Audience mentioned is really pretty good. Pretty hoppy, but the apricot does come through. The Palo Santo is too sweet for my taste, plus it's about 700 calories a

Why a "Rome" movie? Three words: MORE TITUS PULLO.

How about Jack Davis? He's pushing 100, so he might not be around much longer.

Gish > Siamese Dream > Nevermind

These are indeed great. Please do more.

Is there any footage from WWI that isn't creepy? If it's not just plain weird hand-cranked, jerky variable speed film, it's completely fucked-up stuff like the shell-shocked soldiers.

I am old, so I remember when this was in theaters. The theater near me showed it with one ending A for about a week, then switched to B for a week or so, then C, and finally showed it with all the endings.

Oranssi Pazuzu has a split coming out in a couple of weeks.

They even have an umlaut. I'm there, man.

Like Sadomator?

Anaal Nathrakh dispenses with the theatrics and devotes all their energy to kicking ass.

I'm going through changes
More reviews of six-way splits from Hungarian NSBM bands, limited to 88 copies on cassette.

I thought that exchange was from the "True Norwegian Black Metal" doc. Or is it in both?

Gravity bongs and Jaws vs. Oddjob slappers only will never get old.

The best thing that ever happened to "The Raven" was being illustrated by Bill Elder in Mad #9.