AV Club Ist Krieg

A twofer, two songs about fire from a band with Tolkien-reference name.

Seth Putnam/Tori Amos

They were the R&B supergroup made up of George Michael, Corey Glover, Kenny G and some other dude, right?

AVC scooped Gawker by about a week on the Bill & Ted sequel though.

AVC should do a Gateway on Firesign.

As far as sci-fi shows based on albums go…
I'd rather see one based on "The Key" by Nocturnus.

This shit just needs to be over, so we can get back to the business of being Delaware. Which is to say usury, building sprawl and increasing the chicken manure content of the Chesapeake.

Just ordered "Four Color Fear"
Thanks for hipping me to this, AV Club.

Wait a minute Mike. You told us it was going to be a three-book deal! What's up with that? The third book was too avant-garde, wasn't it? Who's the publisher? I'm going to write them a letter demanding publication of the third MikeMartz1999 book!

Holy shit! You have a 36-pack? You should totally fight Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino. I know you would kick his ass!

Advanced studies
Once you're done with Howard's Conan stories, you can read his Kull stories. They're sort of proto-Conan, and at least one was rewritten as a Conan story.

Hard to narrow it down
Virginia City, NV, in any one of these 3 periods: 1858-1862, 1872-1876 or 1878-1882. The first period is the initial gold discovery and first bonanza, the second is borrasca leading into the Big Bonanza, and the last is the beginning of the final decline.

Now, now, Arsenio. I'm sure there are tons of grind fans who settle down with a volume of Proust after they throw on their copy of "Ben-Wa Baby Heads".

I just poked around on my iPod, and I think Nox's "Ixaxaar" and Hetzer's "Fall of the Holy Cult" might be up your alley. Not terribly sick, but pretty blasty.

I'd say it's more like seeing c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate.

Best metal news this month
Immortal has a new video, which is made of pure awesomeness.


They need to man up and do one on balut.

Not yet, but I just moved it to the top of my queue from the purgatory between "The Return of Sabata" and "Zulu Dawn" where it previously resided.

The debate as to whether it's a memoir, fiction, or a fictionalized memoir may never be settled, but "The Forgotten Soldier" by Guy Sajer remains a hell of a read.