AV Club Ist Krieg

Like most forms of violence, it was invented by the Scottish. The first mention of kerb-biting was in 1839, and it came to be known as "The Aberdeen Horse-Buss".

Axl looks like Chris Farley in those pictures.

Yeah, "Last Man Standing" did suck, but it was better than OU812.

Then there was "Last Man Standing", which was a remake of "Yojimbo" by way of "Fistful of Dollars".

"Fistful of Dynamite" or "Giu la Testa".

Can't say I'm a fan exactly…
… but I quite enjoyed "Don't Panic", and I'm looking forward to his episode of Doctor Who next season.

The first two Journey albums are Steve Perry-free and pretty damn proggy. And not half bad.

Nah, riding a horse to Philadelphia ain't got nothin on Swedes and Dutch and Brits and Lenapes wailing on each other.

The First State is Second Rate
The story of the founding of the state of Delaware is pretty dull. The various small wars accompanying the founding of various Delaware colonies make them much more interesting than this movie sounds.

Themes? Bah. When I was a kid, all you got was a box of red, yellow, blue and white 2x4 bricks.

Link Wray. 2 years later, he was dead, never having gotten back to my part of the world.

Maybe Zap Rowsdower?

Which is less tolerable?
Vuvuzelas, or news stories about vuvuzelas?

Koski didn't think of this?
Limon Pop Rocks + tequila.

Which was, in turn, ripped off from Bobby "Blue" Bland.

Dynamite Death Chair
I figure it was all borrowed time after that stunt.

Phosgene sodas? That's pretty hardcore.

Dear Varg,

I don't really know how a perception filter is supposed to work, or what its capabilities are (nor did I know that the sonic screwdriver can heal flesh), so I had no problem accepting that fishmom could strip off perception-filter-generated clothes.

I think I like scenes more than actual movies
"Dead Alive" - Lawnmower scene
"Blue Velvet" - Frank's first appearance
"Saving Private Ryan" - opening sequence
"The Empire Strikes Back" - the asteroid field
"The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" - Ecstasy of Gold and the Trio
"Once Upon A Time In The West" - opening sequence