David Hulford

Wow… see?

I will admit short sightedness on my part in regards to not choosing a clever/anonymous username. Man… now I'm going to get excommunicated.

Sharon Wilbur
I probably shouldn't say this, since I do use my actual name here, but I kind of know that chick. We went to the same synagogue growing up. Kind of genuinely crazy, that one, in a sheltered super-religious sort of way.

Is it wrong…
…that the first clip made me really want some cereal?

Finally, a reason to log in
I'd pretty much given up on the whole logging in thing, instead just adding my middle initial in as to get around it.


Canadians always double post.

Excuse me if I'm completely talking out of my ass here, but I think that Butters and the rest of the Southpark gang sort of address the shallow nature of the internet celebrity phenomenon by simply willingly becoming part of it and then being so sharply contrasted against so many of these already forgotten

New Map
I'm not so sure I'd characterize the new Monroeville map as ideal for new players, since once you die in that map, unlike the original, you're stuck as a zombie permanently with no means of revival.

Christ… sorry I said anything. I guess I mistakenly found my little anecdote amusing.

LSD Experience
I took LSD once and only once.

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one…
…Looking at Wikipedia pages just to follow the ups and downs and controversies on articles discussion pages. Still, I consider it a bad habit, as I always feel like I've somehow monumentally wasted my time reading for an hour about the debate of whether to use checks or x's to

Seriously. My eyes kept getting slowly drawn to the right by Raven's freakish fish-like facial expression. I don't even know how I managed to finish reading the article.

It would be pretty awesome if they got an unknown who looked exactly like Mr. Monopoly, and just completely embodied the part, and come opening day, we all walk out of our multiplexes shaking our head and going, "Wow, just who the hell was that guy? That guy totally WAS Mr. Monopoly."

No no no. Americone Dream is the most delicious thing ever, with giant chunks of crunch in every delicious bite.

…there is more crossover between AV Club readers and Cracked.com readers than I would have imagined. Either that or the above couple commentors are running each and every article put on this site through google in some misguided attempt to catch accidental plagerism.


I didn't vote this year, because even if it was a very good year for movies, it wasn't a very good year for me taking the time to see said movies.

So, uh…
Anyone know where you can see the, uh, NOT-safe-for-work version of that clip?

There are too many directors named Anderson.