David Hulford

What it this "The Innocents" movie people keep referring to here? I guess a quick trip to wikipedia-town is called for.

Still, even if 6 million is "only half" of the total number, that number starts to look a lot bigger when you realize that there are only 14 million Jews in the world today.

It hadn't even occurred to me there might be multiple endings. Seems like Bioshock might be getting another play through, this time all evil-style.

This is starting to look like a video game site message board, what with the free floating anger, and the inevitable "Wii sucks" guy.

I agree with No Log. I'm pretty into video games, but I enjoy the slightly outsider perspective of AV Clubs game reviews, which oftentimes comes closer to my own views than the reviews found on hardcore dedicated gaming sites.

Does anybody know if you actually get more Adam from harvesting them, taking the gifts they occassionally leave you into account? Is it just like you get it sooner by harvesting than by waiting?

Holocaust porn?
Really? Where?

Shirley and Squirley
Sound a whole lot like South Park's Christmas Critters.

When did Jack Nicholson get so damn old? I honestly thought of his role in About Schmit as being more stunt casting than an actual indicator of his being really really wrinkley. Now I see I may have been mistaken.

So then, on the subject of Bioshock…
Which did you choose?

I've barely seen any of these. I'm going to be spending all my hard earned Christmas money on movie tickets now.

No thank you.

No relation to Mr. Show's "Superstar Machine"?

Iceland: The Wonderous Land of Mystery
There was a contest that occasionally popped up in the banner ads here from an Icelandic Vodka contest with a pretty, knit-cap wearing girl, offering as a prize a trip for up to ten friends to Iceland. Now I'm not generally one to enter random-drawing contests, but you bet I

Mysterious Bella related incident…
I took my mom out to the King of Prussia (PA) Regal Cinema Multiplex to see the annual limited theatrical run of Nightmare Before Christmas 3D earlier this evening. (She'd never seen a 3D movie before, and I thought she'd find it novel.) But as we approached the movie theater, wildly

I get that the line is supposed to be scary in that it plays off of religious peoples existential hang ups, but I also think its really funny that a mythological creature is denying the existence of God.

I spent my whole day today fruitlessly going from store to store trying to find this album.



Man o man…
If this turns out to have been Britney Spears doing, we are on the precipice of one of the greatest entertainment news stories in American history.