David Hulford

Spoiler: This is a direct sequel to Weird Science.

Spoiler: This is a direct sequel to Weird Science.

Maybe Michael had more to work through before he could leave, much like how Ben chose to stay behind.

As satisfied as I was with the ending, I am a little bitter at the fact that they are making me watch Jimmy Kimmel.

No, the highlight of the evening was Margene's hilariously misguided attempt at consoling Barb in the wake of Sarah's engagement:

I was frankly just willing to ignore it, for the most part, but now I actually think Coriander's explanation seems most plausible.

Yeah, fucking writers, always just trying to keep us entertained and interested in the show, rather than just encyclopedically explaining every minor detail to us… how dare they!

It's a cardboard standee of Ted Danson, obviously.

Wearing eyeliner does not necessarily make you Egyptian.

Ah, dammit, I think Pilgrim and Tristiac are right. Damn. I thought I was going to get some robo-others up in here.

Going grey doesn't mean anything, necessarily. I've been steadily going grey at the temples for about two years now, and I'm 23.

I'm sort of worried that Jack is going to lead Sayid on some crazy explosion-filled escape, covers be damned, and I'm worried its going to go down sooner rather than later.

But at very least its unlikely that the button is directly keeping the bomb from exploding, or reverse-exploding, or whatever it did that turned the sky purple and Desmond naked.

Oooh, I like the Rose and Bernard theory. I spent a lot of time this episode wondering what could have possibly happened to them. Have they more or less been written out? I don't really see where, timewise, they could have gone.

Also, as much as it more or less sucked balls, the video game does kind of give you a feel for the layout of the place, so I immediately recognized it before it was even identified.

Corporations satirizing corporations
I've been being regularly annoyed by the constant promos for this show, and I have to admit it's more due to the underlying concept (plus its wacky, wacky execution… oh! And the title.) than any of the content within.

"I see parody as another form of comedy."
So… did Bruce, like, have a head injury shortly before this interview, or what?

I don't know about that whole runway thing… last I remember, the thing wasn't exactly in the kind of condition you could land some hijacked Indian airliner on.

I'm pretty sure they're using dart guns because whoever hired them has some level of awareness regarding the quasi-invulnerability of people who have yet to fulfill their mission for the island. (i.e. Michael and his many botched suicide attempts) If they'd been given real guns, the things would probably just jam,