
Friday lulz
I am LOLing at the commenters born from 1987-1990 lamenting how "old" they are and how many "young" people are on AVClub. You don't get to weep over your old age until you're a quarter of a century old at least*.

I'd never heard of Misha Collins before he began appearing on Supernatural but DAMN do I love him! The deadpan delivery he does with some of his lines has me cracking up all the time and I'm always sad when he isn't in an episode.

Weezer. Just thinking about Weezer makes me shudder in disgust now but I was absolutely obsessed with them in high school. After my punk phase died out, I listened to Pinkerton and pretty much nothing else (aside from AFI and I shamefully admit I have a soft spot in my heart for them).

I just re-read and saw the thing about DirecTV. Sigh. We are DirecTV-less in these parts unfortunately, so I suppose I have to settle for trying not to read spoilers and waiting for it to air in a non-fancy fashion.

What the hell!
I adore this show and I had no idea it was coming back on! AHHHH. Curse my life for missing it!

Oh I get it.
We're all unattractive yokels in cheap clothing.

Sounds good.
Nice to see that Perrineau has come back from the dead and was reborn as a prison guard.

I sort of wanted to see this.
If only to see my man Rain (I liked him before he was cool)!

WHAT! I have never heard of this monster concept album and I must investigate it posthaste.

I'm a big Wong Kar-Wai fan but this movie just sounds painful.

Come on people.
Led Zeppelin > everyone.

Fist shaking time.
God damnit Turkey, why do you care? WHY!

True story. That said, I will probably watch this anyway, obsessed as I am with horror films, even the crap American remakes.

Wank wank wank, 'Crazy' still sucks.

I agree with the first poster.
Not all that impressed with them, and god damnit, "Crazy" was a fucking annoying song.

I did not read this,
but I am pleased not to see Alan Cox's haunting visage grin inanely at me every time I visit the AV Club page.

I am drunk but,
NIN is awesome so fuck y'all.

Bai Ling
Was good in Dumplings, and that is about it. That movie is fuckin' awesome.

As a Mexican…
we're maligned and hated enough without having to deal with this bullshit. Yeah, the song is offensive. But hey, if you want to listen to it—and daresay—enjoy it, feel free. I know I've listened to my share of offensive rap music so who am I to tell other people what to like?

Woo zombies.
This is hot on the heels of the NY Times story about Romero. I can't wait to see Diary of the Dead. I loves me some zombies.