
If FNL gets canceled, I will be crushed. It is one of the few shows on TV that I can stand and I always look forward to watching it. Of course, I FORGOT to watch it last night because I was too busy watching Oz on DVD and while I can watch it on the NBC website, I will be heartbroken to think that I missed

The picture of the fake Michael Jackson is quite disturbing, nearly as scary as the real thing. Why does he look like a mannequin?

Say what!
I skipped watching because I was sure the Pats would win and I had to study…not only did the Pats (mercifully) lose, they also played The Smiths during a montage?! And I missed it?! Oh well, next year will be even better, when the Lions make it to the Super Bowl! Or I'll settle for the Cowboys I guess.

At-risk youth.
That line cracked me up.

So I've rented Twin Peaks on DVD and I'm on ep 8 now and I must say, I'm a little disappointed with the show. Having never seen it before and only hearing good things, I was really excited about it. But now I'm not so sure. It is enjoyable and I love Agent Cooper but otherwise I find that the occasional

A word about peanut butter.
Courtney was a twat. Glad she didn't win.

Their cover of "How Soon Is Now?" really made me want to fucking die. Thanks AV Club!

Sounds like me as a kid. I remember distinctly telling the mom of my best friend how Primal Fear was one of my favorite movies. I was in fourth grade at the time. Needless to say she was not impressed. But hey, I still turned out okay!

I want those chocolates.
And perhaps that umbrella. That umbrella is kinda neat.

Skipped the episode because I figured it would be half-assed and I needed to study. Glad Dave and Jasmine won. My roomie told me about Josh's girlfriend. Sigh. He could do better…me.

Oh, toys.
Someone should submit all of the made in "Chane" toys to Engrish.com.

Yeah, but she said some pretty disparaging things to him. VBM or not, it still must have hurt a lot.

I think it's Firefox checking the spelling.

You know,
I really liked this week's episode. As someone who goes to a Big 10 university known for its partying, I didn't think Smash's experience at McNair (was this the show's shoutout to Ronald E. McNair?) was all that far-fetched and it was pretty funny too.

Haven't been able to watch the past few episodes but I am sad Heather got kicked off. She was my favorite to be sure. Everyone else is bland or bitchy.

Thanks for the review
I've always wanted to see this show, namely because of the parody of it during the 'Who Shot Mr. Burns?' Simpsons episodes. Since I was only 4 or so when this show debuted, I only heard great things about it but never watched it. Now I think I'll see about renting it on DVD over winter break this


Also, Wilson's quip about Pitcairn Island was hilarious, though it did get Rasputina's 'Cage In A Cave' stuck in my head…