
Damn, you beat me to it!

The theory that Sam never even went to Hell is interesting. It could explain why he is so reluctant to discuss it with Dean.

I've always thought Jensen Ackles was the better actor but my perception was colored by his mind blowing hotness. HOWEVER, I feel safe enough to say at this point, he definitely is and my suspicions of Jared Padalecki sucking are true.

Wear a condom!
I've gotten into many arguments over the Twilight novels and how I think they are unhealthy for young people, especially women, to read. Of course, when I bring up this point, a lot of people think I am a humorless scorn (which I may be) but I was pleased to see that tonight's episode sort of backed me

This episode
has convinced me that if Cas got his own show, it would be highly entertaining and perhaps more watchable than Supernatural itself. It was great to see him again and all of his lines had me cracking up.

Not shabby.
But not awesome. I will keep watching though as I have fond memories of Jamie Bamber from Horatio Hornblower. I am also obsessed with L&O but can't stand to watch any of the American versions now other than old school reruns.

I didn't even notice that he said "three of my people." I also found it odd how nonchalant they were about the silent, creepy one got iced.

This episode was suck. I thought the sudden shift to Deep Purple and shots of the Impala were jarring at the end when the scene before was Lisa essentially telling Dean to leave and do his thing. You'd think Dean, who fought hard to have this sort of life would be a little…sadder? I also thought it strange that

AHHH, ditto on the lecture! I actually said to my boyfriend "don't you think they'd have more confidence in someone who helped stopped the Apocalypse?" I agree too, that it is hard to top the END OF THE WORLD, unless this season focuses more on the Sam/Dean dynamic and the fact that something just doesn't seem "right"

*hardened him up, not made hardened him up. Ugh.

I thought that is what it was. I figured Sam would be more of a…I dunno, Honda Fit guy or something. Maybe being in Hell made hardened him up.

Bring back Cas!
The episode wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I really enjoyed the montage in the beginning contrasting his life now with his past and I thought the first scene with Yellow Eyes was brilliant. I actually gasped when Dean was looking around and suddenly came face to face with him.

You know, I actually really enjoyed this thread and it did not infuriate me like the feminism thread a while back. MFSP, I think I am going to check out the book you recommended on the Huron.

Wallace's death absolutely crushed me. He was so close to getting out of the game and moving on to a saner life where he would not be punished for being humane. And then Kima was shot and the cops just forgot about him…

I was listening to Dio yesterday when I saw on FB that he had died. Having only recently become a huge metal fan, I was desperately hoping that he would be able to beat his cancer and return to rocking so I would be able to experience the magic live in concert. He was an amazing talent and I wish that more metal

Thank you! I didn't have TV last summer so missed out on the promos but the song was absolutely perfect for what they used it for.

I adore NIN but yeah, there are a lot of Trent's lyrics that make me ashamed.

I too would watch a show based solely around Cass / Crowley. They are both hilarious!

I thought I read somewhere that the Apocalypse plot line was going to be wrapped up this year and next seasons was going to focus on (ugh) the relationship between Dean and Sam, as if we don't get enough of that shit every episode.

I'm very glad that I wasn't the only person who felt uncomfortable with the episode and its portrayal of gods and goddesses from non Judeo-Christian religions as being "primitive." Like another commenter below, I still tune in each week though there is almost always several times during an episode where I cringe