
@avclub-3a04d36f2c53226d9c27c607cea5e299:disqus Nice punch-up work, there.

Desperately hoping for one perplexed Maslany sharing the screen with 10 Offermen.

You're never too old for balloons.

That was one of my favorite recent comedy development cycles; they've all been so bad lately, but at least that one was memorably bad. And yes, I am counter "H8R" as a comedy for the purposes of this comment.

Counter-Clockwise: lacking knowledge about clocks; horologically naive.

Opana your eyes-a!

@avclub-e1b39c7fa22304c2ee8919ac378c3d42:disqus I am going to be very careful with my wording here, since apparently you like to read with the sort of postmodern lens that sees every sentence as being about either rape or colonialism (as opposed to the slightly more useful lens that sees every word as a meaningless

That was absolutely brilliant,and sometimes tobiko is colored to change its appearance, other natural ingredients are used to accomplish the change, such as, squid ink to make it black, yuzu to make it pale orange (almost yellow), or even wasabi to make it green and

The final ending of Ender's Game seems to be that Orson Scott Card was a Bugger the whole time.

I do owe you for giving me this unholy… ACTING! TALENT!

Some allegories are more equal than others.

Nah, it's off-brand for them, their current brand being "two good shows ending soon, zombies, Chris Hardwick, and a bunch of boring, unwatchable dreck."

@avclub-ade723a6815e7dffd777dfb9719c8ad3:disqus Them durn face critters mostly come 'round night. Mostly.

It's a time-honored AV club tradition to pillory reviewers in the comments (even the undeniably good ones, like McNutt and the Swag Onion), usually with comments that imply a broad consensus that the writer in question is a hack who should consider a career as an organ donor.

@avclub-7aee1b75b527e215f31e20a5c4e7a768:disqus Give us a little credit. Everybody knows your endgame is an AV club with Linus as the Film Editor and Lucy as the Movie Editor, followed by a gradual rebranding into a site for kittens, by kittens.

@avclub-0fa4f697b340f6fdecd8055f2703ecf5:disqus @avclub-59c4e0a1cedba7dc5ff1541ac8b60028:disqus If people can argue over what an allegory is trying to represent, it's probably a pretty good allegory.

C'mon, isn't this gimmick a little 1040EZ?

@avclub-b54372490fb6e3ccace51c0e3541db08:disqus If that bobblehead doesn't watch you pee, the terrorists win!

I find it hard to get up in arms about politics— even the politics of crybaby fuckwits like Hannity—when every election is a choice between which lobbyists I want my congressman working for (SPOILER: it's Goldman Sachs either way!)