
It's stories like this that put our criminal justice system on my "why aren't more people pissed off about this?" list.

@avclub-759ba0c9f2099627f2b76dda79b8bd54:disqus Delayed until 7/31 (see tweet here.) I'm in serious withdrawal.

If looks could kill, Felicity will.

I like listening to this guy play D&D.

The real irony is that the typesetting of that Tumblr is abysmal.

Also, the letterspacing on most tumblr blogs is an atrocity.


He's just doing what we all do— living and kerning.

Now don't say you don't remember me, because I sure as heckfire remember you!

Be nice to your sister!

@avclub-573185e7a57bcdcd68d7895cf83ffe66:disqus MORE STORIES FROM AROUND THE WEB:

10 signs of the impending economic meltdown (NewsMax)
8 former child stars, covered in safflower oil (Zergnet)
18 pages of slideshow that could be a single page (Heavy)
1 click and you'll never, ever be able to use the "Back" button (Gawker)

Anything by Jack Hitt.

And their leg hair maintenance and their lip hair maintenance and their eyebrow hair maintenance and their head hair maintenance.

Firewall and Iceberg listener, eh?

@avclub-fcd67bb244611a3cc596ee284ed24253:disqus I've never worked at a newspaper, so you're in a much better position to judge the verisimilitude of that S5 subplot.

Don wakes up in bed next to Bob Newhart.

@avclub-b2e8ae0f58871803d291555fcc8c1bd2:disqus I'm just galled that little twerp had the nerve to call Dorothy Dyckman Campbell a nobody.

@avclub-fcd67bb244611a3cc596ee284ed24253:disqus @avclub-bbd1d1285778b99af0d511a50652f141:disqus I always felt like the newspaper plot was the weakest part of S5, although when I hear about the subplot that David Simon thought he was writing, I really wish his ideas came across as clearly on the screen as they do in

I think you've failed to understand the fundamental conceit of a Yo Mamma joke.

A philanderer too Catholic and Addisonian to enter the corridors of power.