
Josh doesn't seem to realize that he's a stereotype.

I'm hoping that the same spoiler alert applies to both of them.

You're watching Bravo. Give us 3 minutes, we'll give you Andy Cohen mugging at the camera.

I'm Hosea. I'm a seafood chef. This is what I do, and never win with, until I somehow manage to win the whole competition.

The villians of Chopped are the judges.

Agreed, "Lady Godiva's Operation" is an underappreciated gem. Tracks 1 and 3 were my gateways the first time I listened to this album.

Star Tours is a ride.

Dumbledore drew his Valyrian Steel lightsaber as the Arrakis sands swirled portentously, coating the crashed Borg ship in a thin dust of ground-up Chocobo bones. "Malcolm Reynolds. I should have known."

John Williams —> Randy Newman

Braille, the original 3D.

And with two words, my day is made.

Fuck yes Morricone.

@avclub-1d28259b3a3aee0b1bd0ce45c0853e13:disqus This RW was the Red Wedding of this season.

I don't disagree, but if the outcome of a single episode tanks an entire season, an F merits serious consideration.

He even read our (hateful) comments section the week before!

I wasn't hating, I was lamenting the stuff in the jars because I know just how damned exquisite a ball of minced, mashed-up marine miscellany can be.

Go Kuniko go!

Also, she played football.
