
It's obvious this guy's work is pandering, soulless and derivative. Why even review his album or acknowledge his existence in any way? Garbage music is garbage music, period.

I'm afraid that Rosie's depiction of Bannon might humanize him, or make him seem like little more than a silly creep who the American people do not have to take seriously. I thought SNL's decision to portray him as Death was much more effective at communicating how truly dangerous this person is—while still being

Aside from Fox News, Breitbart and Alex Jones, yes.

I think he feels like he was thrown under the bus by Trump, resents the situation he has been put in, and knows his days on the job are numbered. My guess is that he understood the Onion article correctly.

If you don't want to do the interview, don't agree to do it, you cranky old bastard. People don't care that much anymore anyway.

Yeah, so let's just let filmmakers forego any attempt to strive for greater art and accept their cookie cutter mediocrity with open arms. We'll keep buying tickets for your shitty films, Hollywood!

Whether the "quality" sounds better or worse is a matter of opinion. It certainly sounds different. But if you want an analog experience, you might as well go all the way. A digital intermediate will indeed change the quality of the sound.

The guy records with Pro Tools. There is absolutely no reason to listen to a vinyl recording of a digital master. It would be like listening to a CD cut to wax, only a CD is cheaper and sounds better. If you're going to shell out the extra dollars for vinyl, try to make sure there wasn't a digital intermediate in the

The progressive rock band Yes released three seminal—yet somehow underrated— albums in close succession: The Yes Album (1971), Fragile (1971) and Close to the Edge (1972). Each combines the perfect mix of pop hooks and rock aggression with the strange time signatures and general weirdness you'd expect from a 70's prog

This band isn't bad, but it's not great, either. I wonder if they'd be getting as much attention with a less memorable and "edgy" band name. Probably not.

The resurgence of early 80's synth is officially over.

Wow. I actually have a little respect for Axel Rose now.

I wonder if they'll show the episode where Dr. Huxtable tried to rape one of his patients and then won over the jury by doing an adorably funny routine about today's kids.

To be fair to Lorne, at the time Trump hosted he was little more than a silly reality star who was unlikely to become president. Had he known there was more than a remote chance of winning, Lorne may have thought twice.

We are in the New Antebellum. I pray that we can come to some sort of understanding and remain unified as a nation, but if not, I will take arms against the Alt-Right WMD's. (White male douchebags)

Look, it's another angry white boy who resents the erosion of white male dominance. Did a scary black man take away your football, "working class"? Go bury your head in Rush Limbaugh's ample bosom.

I stopped reading at "not-at-all informed-but-possibly-accurate"

I crowd surfed during an L7 show at Lollapalooza 1994, 2nd stage, Pontiac Michigan. I'm no L7, kids.

I'd probably poke around the White House during the Lumineers set but would be totally down otherwise.

He was the creative genius behind those classic albums.