
Man I was so hoping for a creeper fight tonight. Looks like that will be saved for later. Still a solid ep, though maybe a setting up the chess board kind of ep. Some good lines out of Sonya tonight: Im going to go back to my desk now; We cant have sex here! I was also hoping for a return appearance of Lyle Lovetts

There's nothing wrong with you and you should not eat a gun, please. I can totally empathize with you about not wanting to go out to restaurants alone.

Manic is so fucking great. Love that movie. JGL and Zooey were fantastic.

Wouldnt he have to tone down his ultraviolence though? I mean theres no way that a Wolverine movies is gonna be an R rated bloodbath.

I enjoyed not only Walk the Line but the 3:10 to Yuma remake and have a soft spot for Copland. And you blew it!!!!

I thought the 1st two were ok but the third was way out there and terrible and stopped reading them.

I actually like Mongol and was hoping that they would finish the rumored trilogy.

Candyman is so fucking great. It really is one of my all time favorite horror movies. It also has an all time great score by Glass; really just great.

The back half of season six is surprisingly good. 4 and 5 are mediocre and 7&8 are abominations.

It really is pretty good and has little to do with the previous ones. Scott plays the cop from the original and thats about it. You should give it a try.

Both Hayek and Del Torro were great in that movie. Lively was the horrid part and brought the whole movie down with her.

Kingdom of Heaven is good if you can put up with Orlando Bloom as a lead. It helps that the supporting cast if fantastic around him with the likes of Liam Neeson, Jeremy Irons, David Thewlis and Eva Green. I didnt realize there was a DC of Watchmen. Does it get rid of the terrible music choices?

Lawless is so disappointing. To have all that acting talent: Hardy, Pierce, Oldman, Chastain, Clarke and DeHaan and you give the film to Shia LaBeuf? I mean Oldman is barely in it and Hardy spends most of the film on the sidelines. The potential was there but man what a missed opportunity.

Sat: Pacific Rim: I thought it was pretty badass. 
Kingdom of Heaven Directors Cut: One of the better DC out there. While I liked the original cut this longer cut is so much better. Characters are more fleshed out and their motivations make more sense. The king and his sister play bigger parts and all the stuff about

I thought the first two thirds or so of the Dark Knight Rises was great, but starting with the extended sequence in the pit the movie ground to a halt and had trouble picking up steam. Plus they could have come up with a better ending for Bane (Hardy was great in the said 2/3s). Not as good as the Dark Knight but

I really liked it as well. I thought the first section was the best followed by the third with the kids. I didnt care for the Cooper part in the middle though.

While I really liked Spring Breakers and the Place Beyond the Pines quite a lot my pick for best movie of the year so far would have to be Mud. I thought both of the kids we great as was Matt M as Mud. I also liked how it presented southern rural people without making them all gun toting tobacco chewing

I really liked this pilot. I didnt find Sonya too off putting, much of what she said I found funny. Im sorry I didnt express much empathy. I like Marco as well with his world weariness and understated charm. This show has potential. I dont know why but I expected Ted Levine to have a mustache and was thrown when he

I saw the longer one first. The shorter ending still doesnt have the gut punch of her not getting out. Those other possibilities are present in the film no matter what the ending but I personally liked the non-traditional dark ending. Either way: great fucking movie.

The descent kicks so much ass but I have to disagree and say that the extended ending is so much better. Not only is it a gut punch to not have her make it out it also opens up some of the possibilities about the story. The creatures could exist and this was all real; she could be the creature and killed all of her