He can be hit or miss. I thought he was great as Bob Crane in Auto Focus though.
He can be hit or miss. I thought he was great as Bob Crane in Auto Focus though.
I live where I went to high school which is close enough. Its not like there isnt a scene where I live but Im not much of a bar/club guy.
Poor word choice. I am very much attracted to men, and I do get that rush of desire when I see hot guys or watch gay porn. Its not like a settling thing like I dont care for women so I must care for men. I really do like guys. I guess I have a hang up about letting the people around me know it.
I am a 26 yo male. For most of my life I tried, unsuccessfully, to be attracted to women before coming to realize that men were and are an option. My question is about coming out. Part of me just wants to come out to my friends and family but am hesitant because I have never actually been with a man. Could use a…
@avclub-997c221538094d134659141cf61d51e3:disqus I hated the framing device that was revealed at the end. It wasnt how things happened but how he wanted them to. I also didnt like that they introduced but then skirted around the personal aspects of Hoovers life. It was almost as if Eastwood wasnt really comfortable…
He was about the only good thing in J Edgar as well.
This is the highest grade I've seen it at. Most other reviews made it sound dire.
All I remember about Superman Returns is how fucking mopey Brandon Routh was. You're fucking Superman, a God among men and you go all emo for two hours. I actually like Man of Steel, zooms aside, because Cavill was conflicted but not mopey.
The first half of IT was great, Tim Curry was fantastic as Pennywise but the adult actors just were not very good and were stuck with that fucking terrible ending. Its worth a watch for Curry alone.
He's not really in the Good Shepard much but is good when he does pop up. I really liked that film: full of great performances with the notable exception of Jolie, who was fucking terrible in that movie. Pesci even shows up for a bit and you almost never see him.
My favorite bit was when Finn opened LSP's hotel room door with the key, looked around to see if anybody was watching, re closed the door made the sound of chambering a round into his gun and kicking the door open like a police raid.
I agree with AA on all counts. Not only was Gandolfini perfect in this it was a great film.
What a great finale for one of the most surprising series I've seen in awhile. I never in a million years would have thought a TV series on NBC and based on the Hannibal Lector stories would be any good but holy fuck was it great from start to finish (with only the 1st Gideon ep as a kinda weaker ep). Mads was again…
I'm not that big of a Superman fan, much more of a Batman guy myself, but I actually kinda liked Man of Steel (shaky zooms aside). It was a vast improvement from the last one. Who wants a whiney mopey Superman: you can fly and have all these other superpowers: what the fuck do you have to whine about? The only thing…
Well not everyone, for Homicide. Some of the cast added in the last two seasons didnt work.
Not all, but it really did kill horror movies. I couldnt get enough horror movies as a kid, but fuck are so many of them dire now.
I dont think that they can put damnit in the title of a childrens movie.
This is such sad news. He really is the greatest TV actor of this generation. While he didnt get to be the lead in many of his films he was always good in them. I loved his hit man in Killing Them Softly, who played him almost as if Tony Soprano stuck to doing hits instead of rising the ranks. His drunk, angry and…
I really like this film, but it is not as good as Nightmare on Elm St or Last House on the Left.
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