
I enjoyed it but fucking loathed those zooms. Every fucking wide shot had them, and they are a big pet peeve of mine, they never look good to me.

I thought this was a great season finale but not a series finale. There was too much plot to wrap up and they left some threads dangling for future season. I've enjoyed this show, especially how it rose above its mediocre Tudors-like 1st season. Arnaud and Harris became a great pair and I personally was sad to see

I enjoyed this season as well, not nearly as good or dramatic as last season. I was hoping they would get rid of Dr Roman but whatever.

I have a soft spot for Sleepy Hollow.

Hey Sleepy Hollow was the last Depp-Burton movie that I liked.

This whole trend of AARP action stars baffles me. Are there not young actors that can play these roles? Was neither of the Hemsworth brothers available for this? The big three were almost too old to do these action movies ten to twelve years ago.

Its expensive to shoot, plus Alexander wasnt Pope for very long.

Its great to see Micheletto getting something to do and someone to care about other than Cesare. If you put glasses and a mustache on King Ferdinand and you get Weird Al, dude looks so much like him with the curly hair and in the face. I normally dont complain about the previews for the next episode but man tonight's

Twelve was fucking terrible.

Wow that totem pole was fucked up, and Lance was great at being so deviously creepy. Almost like that Ariel Castro fuck comforting the mother of one of the girls he kidnapped. Abigail was great this episode and it was nice to pick up her story again. This cast is just so great from Hannibal to Jack to Will and Alana,

Its not as funny as the first but is still kinda good: Beverly Hills Cop 2.

I loved the beginning and the end of this ep while the middle was pretty good. I really want a full episode of PepBut practicing the dark arts. "You should have given him to me!"

It really is one of the worst selections for best picture I can think of in 25 years. At least with SPR you could make the argument that the first 45 mins or so is fantastic and the rest is just ok but BM is fantastic from start to finish and Crash is terrible.

Its good to see Micheletto get increased screen time these past two episodes. The scene in front of the spinning fireworks was beautifully shot. And now it looks like war and the plague is upon us.

Sat: Star Trek: I really enjoyed it. Lots of fun action, the cast was great as well. BC was great as the villain. 
On Sat night I was flipping between the Pacers/NYK game and Brokeback Mountain. BM got into my head and I couldnt stop thinking about it so…
Sun: I was lucky to find it on Netflix instant and watched the

I didnt like the twist but still loved the fuck out of the movie.

Thursday would have been the worst night for it: leading into two shows that skew female and against TBBT. Tuesday is about the best place for it.

Thursday: There's Always Tomorrow: This is the first Douglas Sirk movie that I've seen and I really enjoyed it. They did a good job of establishing how lonely the two leads were and why they would turn to each other. I also found it interesting that they really have an emotional affair and not really that much of a

A solid ep tonight. Micheletto was involved in the plot! And he killed the King! I wonder how much a departure that is, for King Ferdinand to die by eel, from his real death. I wonder if a 2 hour movie after this season would be the best way to wrap the series up, Borgia wasnt Pope for very long. Plus it was nice to

All I know is that Thursday is not the day for it. Grey's and Scandal have the 9 and 10pm hours locked up so its 8pm. Not good for an action show leading into Grey's which skews heavily female.