
Hannibal actually isnt all that expensive for NBC, another company produces it and NBC airs it.

ABC shouldnt put the SHIELD series on Thursday nights. Doesnt it remember that Last Resort, another show aimed at bringing in male viewers bombed on Thursday nights at 8pm? There's one other question for the networks: does Hannibal get renewed for a second season? I hope like hell that it does, and if so does it stay

There was story potential in there too with Chiklis trying to move Vegas forward: like building classy restaurants inside the casinos to keep patrons in, or offering shows inside the casino. But too often it stuck to Lamb being dour.

I was near the end of my rope when they stopped reviewing it and I ended up quitting the show not long afterwards.

Vegas really was one of the bigger let downs this season. Carrie-Ann Moss being completely underused, Dennis Quaids oddly glowering performance, a poor case of the week format (just think what could have been done with Hannibal's structure on this show, being a mix of case of the week and serialized material) combined

Mine might very well be Jurassic Park, I must have seen that fucker 4 or 5 times in the theatre as a kid. Just loved it. There are others that I loved when I was younger but dont anymore (the first 2 star wars come to mind as well as TMNT) or ones that I've loved for a long time but none as long as JP.

I have read season 2 was to introduce the guy from Hannibal the book, with the fucked up face; 3 was for when they catch and try Hannibal; 4 is Red Dragon; 5 is Silence of the Lambs (if they get that far and can get the rights); 6 is the events from Hannibal and I cant remember 7.

I really liked this episode. Anderson was great as the probing psychiatrist, loved that we got an extended look at Hannibal as well. Is Franklin the guy Jame Gumb kills that Lector tucks away in that storage unit? The one where Clarice finds his head? I dont know why but he gives off those vibes. Loved the throat shot!

I liked Selma Hayeck as well as the drug lord but holy hell was Lively terrible.

He was entertaining as hell in Savages. Shame that movie was undone by terrible leads and god awful narration.

I remember Juan bringing it up and they have been close since the start and it may just be an acknowledgement of the historical rumors ( if memory serves there were also rumors of the Pope himself and Lucrezia)

I dont have HBO so I cant compare but the Borgias gets so much better in the second season. I think it got better when it stopped trying to be a Tudors-lite sex romp and focused more on the infighting among the royal families of Italy.

I had totally forgotten about the duke and his former prostitute wife. Another great ep tonight. I do say we need more Micheletto as he has been quite quiet this season.

The seasons are all a bit shorter than usual and it gets better as it goes along. Season 1 is the weakest (while still being pretty good) but it rebounds quickly with season 2. I say give it a shot.

I'd point to the Good Shepard, from like '05ish. He only had a small supporting role, while directing it, and was quite good.  Very underrated movie in my opinion and an Angelina Jolie casting away from being great.

Ms, I'm arresting you mainly because my gf made me sit through this means war in its entirety.

I can definitely see your point there. I like that a little better than simple homage, it being a sort of commentary. I just watched Silence again earlier this week so that maybe influenced how I saw this episode. We can all marvel though at Mads as Lector though: we got a glimpse of what a Hopkins-aping performance

Holy shit, he gouged out her eyeballs on national television! There were parts of this episode, and the episode as a whole, that I really liked. I didnt like how everything was a sort of proto- Silence of the Lambs, complete with Miriam as Starling. I dont know how I feel about how that changes things for Silence of

No, Elizabeth implied that Grannie was faking it in an earlier episode and I was glad that that turned out to be not true. Plus I said was instead of wasnt, which is what I meant to say.

Just when I thought that the Americans couldnt get much better they take it up a notch and a half tonight. What a great fucking episode. I loved the sense early on in the episode when one or both of Phil and Liz are headed to doom. Love Grannies revenge: you will be paralyzed for twenty minuets and will bleed out in