
I'd throw the 5th season of the Sopranos up with those two.

Wrong, cashews are the best with pistachios taking the 2nd spot.

He's gotten older but he is definitely not unattractive now.

I watched this this past weekend and I must have missed the part where his mother was cheating on his father. I thought they were ***SPOILER*** splitting up because she wanted to live in town and not on the river anymore and his father blamed her for ruining his livelihood.

I've seen that quote but they have been almost uncomfortably close since the pilot and have wondered if they would go down the incest highway for some time now. Maybe that was a misdirect so that they could hold it off till this season.

Some really good stuff this weekend and a bit from last weekend as well.
Sat: Mud: I thought this was great. The acting by Matthew McConaughey and the two boys was fantastic. Good supporting turns from Michael Shannon and Sam Shepard as well. I will say though that I didnt think Reese Witherspoon was all that great in

While the end was definitely hard to watch this was a good ep. The enemies are lining up against the family and the show is so much better when it has external threats to deal with and not just romantic stories. This has been building for some time now. Did anyone see the teaser for this episode? They called the union

Did you actually watch season 4? That was its best season by far and wasnt all that cartoony.

I really hope that Hannibal can stick around long enough for the full mapped out 6 seasons to happen. To follow these characters all the way through not only Silence of the Lambs but a rework of the stuff from Hannibal would be pretty fucking cool. We can only hope for a second season.

So I take it that the precipitous drop in quality led to you guys to cutting the Nurse Jackie reviews?

Frailty is indeed great.

For a show I havent watched since the 1st season finale, I'm kinda glad Gilliard Jr is getting a chance on a major show. He was so great in the Wire and really should have become a breakout star, in a perfect world, and hopefully this leads to bigger and better things.

Swap Herc for the Bunk and you got it right.

The only question I had was: how in the fuck did the Anglemaker skin his own back, tie it with fishing line to make himself wings and then hang himself up in the rafters of the barn like he did without help?

That was a fucked up and disturbing ep and I fucking loved it. I also really like the Bella/Jack/Hannibal stuff this week. Its always good to see Fishburne get a chance to stretch a bit and show his range. I do hope they make the entirety of the 4th ep available, even like on demand. The stuff from the webisodes was

Love, love love the wedding disguises for Grannie and Elizabeth, those glasses! A really good ep tonight, with everything coalescing nicely for the finale. I wonder if the series finale ends with a cliffhanger with one of Phil or Elizabeth getting caught by the FBI at the meet with the army guy selling info.

He is such a great bully in that film. Shitting on all those below him, brown nosing the boss and ultimately revealed to be a coward.

If I remember correctly the pilot introduces her by showing her watching Cesare having sex. Plus they have been kinda making eyes at each other throughout.

The Thing, Escape from NY, Big Trouble in Little China, Assault on Precinct 13, They Live, far from a hack.

Freddie has to stick around until they get to the Red Dragon stuff, that character plays an important part in that.