I caught that, her pretending to have human emotions. She was way too eager to re-enact the crime with them.
I caught that, her pretending to have human emotions. She was way too eager to re-enact the crime with them.
I really liked this episode. The moment where Hannibal smiles was great, he couldnt help himself. I also liked how they didnt feel the need to have a nominal case of the week. It was all about the fallout.
That really is a loose fucking thread dangling out there isnt it?
I dont get the love for any of his movies. House of 1000 corpses is just ok, Devils Rejects wasnt that great either and his Halloween remake was an abomination.
And yet not nearly as scary. In the original he was from a normal family and was just born bad. That to me is scarier than his trailer trash family life being terrible and thats why he kills people.
I wouldnt say ZDT "pimped" torture. Its what fucking happened after 9/11 the CIA tortured people. There was a report that confirmed it this week. If they had skipped out on the torture they would be accused of sanitizing history.
Wouldnt they have to get to the Red Dragon stuff before that? From what I've heard that is like 3 seasons down the line at best, so the show would have to be really successful and sustain that success to get to TSotL.
This was a bit of a side-step episode for me. Parts were really good: the Stan-Sandy fight, the final scene between Elizabeth and Grannie, the Martha dinner scene. But the flashbacks werent very good and seemed dropped out of nowhere, and throughout the series the flashbacks have been a weak spot. Elizabeth is getting…
She was terrible on Weeds. Granted that is not a bastion of great acting but she was terrible.
I really love Saved! Donovan is good in it as well as the pastor who tries really hard to look and sound hip. His best line is: I was looking for something a little less gangsta. Aside from some third act problems it really is a great teen comedy full of really good performances.
The not hamming it up part is whats doing it for me, he has this great stillness yet still hyper alert-ness that is great. He was in Valhalla Rising as well as the bad guy in Craig's first Bond movie.
Delocated gets the top spot but the hell ads this week are kinda bad as well.
I am really liking Hannibal, Mads is killing it as Lector plus it it is getting good review on this very site.
It does, and it really is because is cut down on the sex and stopped trying to be like the Tudors. Now instead of whos fucking who we get much more political maneuvering and Micheletto badassery.
Every time I try and get into a network drama they are always fucking with the schedule and I begin to lose track of it. There are the random weeks off, to being off for some televised music awards show. Cable doesn't do this and makes it easier to get into a program. For 10-13 weeks this show is on the same night at…
The Borgias does 10 eps and it works great for them. They are able to tell a tighter story with no padding.
But dont the networks make a fuck ton of money on sports? As long as there are football Sundays college football Saturdays nascar Sundays there will be networks. They pay big money for those rights and the viewership for those events remains high.
I really hope she doesnt; my gut tells me that she leaves for an ep or two and then comes back. I believe she is still credited as a series regular. Akalitus was so enjoyable last year (when she was given something to do) that I dont mind her coming back as much as some. Sam also left but he was one of my least…
The Eddie part was pretty bad.
She is the mistress, she may not have been welcome.