
Friday: Boogie Nights for the first time. I liked it but didnt love it. PSH was fantastic and prob my favorite part of the film, his breakdown in the car was the most affecting scene in the whole movie. Damn does PTA move the camera a lot in this movie. The two instances of violence are what stuck out for me. The

Really continuing last years uptick in quality in this ep. Back to the weekly Micheletto awesomeness. Here it was sniffing out treachery and foiling attacks as well as caring for a baby with aplomb. Della Rovere offers up a challenge this season for the Borgias. They cant kill him because he does eventually become

I didnt think this episode was so bad. I'm sorry but there is no show with Jackie not at All Saints, unless you replace all of her workplace friends/characters and start from scratch which isnt happening. I think there were oblique references that Jackie was not fired but suspended and I think she said thats because

You must not have seen him in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

I watched two episodes and then stopped and cant bring myself to pick it back up.

That title sequence is really cool, almost reminds me of the title sequence to Fincher's Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

That may be the cost of doing business though. This show is nominally a procedural cop show so there will almost have to be a case of the week to fit into the serialized material.

Exactly. Great point about Lector being utterly in control.

Wouldnt they have to introduce Will's wife and child pretty soon to get to that? This Will almost doesnt seem to be the wife and kids kind of guy.

He is my favorite part as well. After Hopkins playing him so hammy in the later movies the stillness of Mads works so well and works to make him creepier than if Mads tried to out ham Hopkins.

I loved the slow pull back to keep revealing bodies, slow and with that creepy score. This is such a beautifully shot show.

Im really liking this so far. Love, love love that they let the Shrike case linger into this episode and have Will face the fallout of killing someone. The therapy scenes are my favorite part of the early going as well. Mads is really good at projecting a still menace, his little sit next to me on the couch with the

There is a little bit of cuckolding there though in the way he talks to her in front of Phillip. I liked the character and the performance quite a bit in spite of that tidbit. I can see why it might put some people off.

Yeah I was surprised at how fast they blew up their marriage. That def felt more like a season 2 finale cliffhanger moment but they did that at just over the half way point of season 1.

I'm sad to see Gregory go, he really brought something the few times he popped up. Did anyone catch the look Phillip and Elizabeth give each other before they get into their cars at the end? It almost seemed to be the thawing of their cold war against each other. This show really keeps knocking it out of the park.

While really good I dont think Hannibal would have retained the Voice audience. Too dark and weird.

I think that makes it important but not necessarily greatest of all time.

I think she was talking about the celebrities in the crowd and not the performers.

He can be; his Silly Little Showbiz Bookclub entries are routinely really good. This feature is really good when he focuses on movies but tends to stray with this expanded format.

Exactly, if more than half of your run is not considered great how can it be the greatest show of all time?