Yeah with the Sopranos, the Wire, and Deadwood out there greatest show of all time is a stretch.
Yeah with the Sopranos, the Wire, and Deadwood out there greatest show of all time is a stretch.
Artie had a way of talking with his hands that cracked me up, but a full half hour of it might be a bit much.
Went on a serious horror kick this week.
Thursday: Re-Animator, somehow I had never seen this and I fucking loved it. After that I caught the pilot episode of Hannibal which was shockingly good, we will see if it can keep it going.
Friday: After seeing Hannibal I had to pop in Manhunter, which is so good.
Sat: Evil…
Man Trick r' Treat was fucking fantastic.
I think it all comes crashing down on in the eps to follow. Beating up Granny seems to have been excused. But between the FBI agents dead last week, the one dead this week and a dead Vlad it looks like a shitstorm is brewing for Liz and Phil. Plus we dont know if the KGB sanctioned their separation.
I clicked on the review expecting a thrashing, and funny, D- review. Now this glowing review is making think I should watch this tonight.
Man thats a shame, I loved Down in the Valley. Such a great movie.
I thought both kids were great in this episode. So glad neither of these kids are becoming Chris Brody.
This may be the best episode yet, especially after last episodes side step. I understood the altercation between Amador and Clark to be about Martha. Its been established that Amadors a bit of a creeper but I was shocked when instead of trying to continue to talk his way out of the situation Phillip just up and kicks…
@avclub-ca81034275abbf70d907ff05dcccb8ad:disqus It really is terrible, it should just be replaced with the pancake dance with the credits rolling beneath it.
I think she worked her way off of Weeds, she was the only long tenured character to not make an appearance in the abomination of a final season.
As someone with a Zoey avatar you must be well versed in terrible opening theme songs as Nurse Jackie's is an automatic mute.
I actually enjoyed Spring Breakers, except for the end. There's a long stretch of that movie that is really good and Franco was great as the oddball Alien.
Not enough misspellings.
I associate that show more with the quick jump cut.
I can see it, when she explodes in the bar. She didnt have the wild eyed maniac look Carrie gets but she is a diff character. Hopefully this propels her into a starring role down the line.
Moss really knocked it out of the park tonight. I thought she was great as the episode went further and further into her past.
But didnt Grace bully a woman relentlessly and that woman ended up killing herself?
Killing them Softly might be a good example of this. Everything I read about it has it taking place in New Orleans but thankfully there isn't a single terrible Cajun accent to be found. One actor has a very Boston accent while another has a flat out Australian accent. The rest of the cast has varied or no accents at…
I think he is both. He was fantastic in Half Nelson, Blue Valentine, Drive and a personal favorite Lars and the Real Girl. It sounds like he is good again in this. He's not bad in the Believer as well.I haven't seen some of his big major studio releases, he may sleepwalk through those (Gangster Squad). To me Brad Pitt…