
Dont forget the combines in March, FA in March and the Draft in April. The NFL season doesnt stop.

They are pretty bad, they were not nearly this bad for the Deadwood and Sopranos reviews.

Does anyone know the reason for the week off? I need my mid week spy fix!


This is settling in nicely. I still dont care for Holly Hunter and her mannered performance but everyone else is great. The bit about Matt being impotent is a very interesting choice and one that I didnt see coming.

They had the top RPI rating in the country.

Me too man, I had them going all the way to the fucking final four.

Yeah but there's a difference when the forces doing the blowing up are aliens as opposed to a real enemy country who harbors delusions of grandeur who just this past week had some propaganda piece that showed the white house in flames. With aliens theres a separation from reality that lets that act seem transgressive.

I said this on another thread but does certain aspects of this rub anyone the wrong way? There's something…. unseemly about seeing the White House on fire and a plane crashing into the Washington memorial for the sake of a big budget action movie. Its one thing if its completely unrealistic, like aliens zapping the WH

I was kinda hoping Phil would call her on her BS because she has that long term affair with Gregory, Phil had a one night stand. I think she's more mad about him lying than the affair.

This was the first side-step episode for me. It ends well and sets up a lot of interesting things but to get there we had to put up with a little wheel spinning. This was by no means a bad episode but an episode that gets its pieces set up. This also has to be the most sex we've had in a single episode. I think we got

The guys that work in the office next to us roll K2 or Spice joints in the bathrooms and dont give a shit if they leave seeds and stems and their blunt wraps all over the fucking floor. So our bathroom smell like that nasty fake dope. Double plus bonus is they smoke it in the stairwell so that fucking reeks too.

Olympus looks terrible to me, and something about the white house on fire, just like those recent NK ad fantasies, and a plane flying into the Washington Memorial rubs me the wrong way. Its one thing for aliens to blow up the white house in a cheesy action movie or Russians kidnapping the President on Air Force One to

But thats almost a given. She was fucking terrible in Savages which is a shame because that was a halfway decent movie without her.

I enjoyed it, the heist scenes were all great. Renner was good in it as well. Lively is the only weak link for me.

It takes a lot of shit for outside stuff, the fact that it was a shorter story spread out into three movies and the 48fps that not everybody saw, but I enjoyed it. I liked being in the world again even if the first 40 or so mins are slow. Freeman is very enjoyable as Bilbo.

Bright House doesnt either. I would have liked to see those helicopter shots in HD.

I really enjoyed these first two episodes. Moss, Mullan and Wenham were all really pretty good. Its got the right amount of moodiness for this kind of show and parts of the commune offer some good offbeat funny moments. The young girl playing Tui was really good as well. My only complaint would be Hunter's

@avclub-394dc8be941678fb1dcfc647005e6af6:disqus Oh mos def. Him and W and Rummy all should have been up on war crimes but thats just me.

I've seen clips where they ask him what his biggest flaw is, standard interview shit, and his fucking response is I dont really think about my flaws.