
I will most likely watch the world according to Dick Cheney even though I know for a fact it will end with me in a ball of rage. There was a short, an hour long, doc on MSNBC narrated by Maddow about the lead up to the Iraq war a couple of weeks ago that did the same fucking thing; it was well done and informative but

Thanks, thats some funny shit. My work productivity has plummeted.

I dont know if I'd compare it to "College" but I quite liked this episode. For that extra Sopranos flavor I'm pretty sure the guy who played the bookie is the same guy who played Johnny Sacs' brother in law in season 6. I'm really liking the FBI boss Gaad, his conversation about getting played with Stan was pretty

It's been awhile but I remember really loving 'Salem's Lot.

Homicide had some really great interrogation scenes. The Wire had some good ones as well, with the Jay Landsman Ziggy scene as a standout.

Yeah get on that. Its the best action movie I've seen in quite awhile.

I saw the raid: redemption. Holy. Fucking. Shit. The first movie in awhile that I've seen that I wanted to tell people to watch; most of the people I know dont care all that much about movies so the movies I like arent in their wheelhouse and so I dont recommend any. But this movie was so badass that I had to, even

I do like that song in the trailer, I thought it might be worth going to see but man all the reviews are terrible.

Have a treatment worked up and on my desk by Monday kid, you're gonna be a star.

I thought he was good in Moonrise Kingdom as well as loved Down in the Valley. 25th hour is good as well.

Fucking fantastic episode tonight. The Elizabeth beatdown of Claudia was riveting. I'll defend the kids subplot, I was on edge to see if he was part of the team that abducted Phillip and Elizabeth or a killer/pedophile or just a creepy fuck. Its interesting to see where Phil and Elizabeth go from here: realize that

The Van Morrison dig was uncalled for but still one of the better hatesongs.

God I hated those fucking PC Mac ads with Justin Long. I just wanted to punch him in his punchable face.

He was the only decent part of that show, I only kept watching that show as long as I did because his parts were consistently the best. Too bad the show didnt seem to realize that.

Deadwood is great but dont expect it to be like Leone. Go for it, you will not be disappointed.

Season five is my favorite as well. You're dead on about the is it light where you are yet line.

Thursday: Seven Psychopaths. I really liked this movie. Fun, funny and clever. The cast really sells the fuck out of this movie.
Friday: Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning. I was shocked at how much I enjoyed this movie. It had good word of mouth on here so I took a shot on it. It felt like a horror movie trapped in

Market forces at work!

And terrible mustache.

Another really good episode. Russell was fantastic from start to finish. Watch her face in the first scene. She goes from oh ok we're spanking, to ugh really guy, to ok that kinda hurt and then he pulls the belt out. Great great stuff from Russell. I'm also really digging the two bosses; Claudia and Bill from It (him