
Yeah I kinda liked it too, it was really helped by the two leads. I liked Garfield better than Toby as Spiderman.

I read and really enjoy deadspin. I dont comment there though.

Wow, I fucking love Deadwood.

So a Constantine TV show?  I thought that was a solid movie and a surprisingly good use of Neo.

I dont know, its pretty great to hear him laugh with glee and say no no no.

Him swatting the cereal box is my favorite bit of that ad.

He was in a long series of ads for Esurance I want to say. Took me forever to place him.

Man he's great in that as the speeded out Layne.

Sorry wrong thread.

He was the bad guy in Thor, the ice planet dude.

Isn't that how war of the worlds ends as well, the water bit? Aside from the third act I thought it was a good effective movie with a couple of good scares. Not a classic but not terrible either.

The swing away nonsense aside I liked Signs.

I thought in the movie they got the alias near the beginning from the tortured subject but were not able to make the connection to the real name until near the end and through normal detective work.

But thats not what the debate was about, it was about if it endorsed torture. Either way the ensuing debate killed its oscar chances.

Uh, hold on Roberto we're getting word of a last minuet recount.

Born on the Fourth of July is a great movie. One of the most complete war films of all time: it covers the jingoistic idealism of the recruit going into war, the actual fighting itself and the aftermath of coming home. Also the best and most sympathetic performance from Tom Cruise in his career.

Throw in Roberto Benini, SP???, wining best actor for life is beautiful over Nick Nolte for Affliction and the rest in that years acting field and then making an ass out of himself at the ceremony.

Its a shame that Zero Dark Thirty's Oscar chances were torpedoed by the torture debate. I cant comment on Argo because I havent had a chance to see it but I thought ZDT was the best film I saw all year, the Master was second and should have been nominated. The compound at the end of the film is not discovered by

Another really solid episode. I kinda like the contrast between Elizabeth's zeal and near fanaticism for her cause with Phillips more realist view on the situation. I do agree that they need to have her be right every once in awhile to balance it out but for now I enjoy the dichotomy.

I really like Saved! But boy does it ever fall apart at the end. The cast more than makes up for it though.