
Its shorter than most. They are usually much longer and barely make any sense but every god damned time I read it in full just for the what the fuckery.

He surely is one that if he has a good director and script he is good, he was fantastic in both those films, but man when he's not and is able to coast look out.

Thats good to hear. I recognized the director and took a shot on it.

In addition to the movies @avclub-f8f8c273f326be25421cc62737d24a9e:disqus I'd suggest seeing the Limey, my personal favorite Soderbergh film.

I'll keep an eye out, just recently I've seen Virgin Spring and the Seventh Seal and liked both of them.

Friday: The Virgin Spring: Very good as I am trying to work some classics into my diet. This must have been a shocking film when it was first released due to the rape and murder, which to this day is powerful.
Saturday: Raising Arizona: Its on netflix instant now and you can never go wrong with RA.
Sunday: For $6 bucks

The one with Colm Feore as the devil wasnt so bad.

Same could go for the Sopranos.

Is it just me or is this about three or four years too late? Like it was intended to cash in on the popularity of National Treasure or whatever those movies with Nic Cage or the Da Vinci Code from the middle parts of the 2000's.

No, just no. The first is a classic and the 3rd is better than the 4th.

I thought this was another good episode and even though I knew where it was going, Joyce being killed, I still liked the way Granny played it with seemingly warm hearted maternal sense while luring that woman to her death and that made it effective enough for me. The spy stuff was great again this week and Phillip

I thought he was good in 127 hours as well as in Milk to name two.

Hard Candy is great and Juno is not terrible the first time you watch it, after that it has almost zero rewatchability.

@Nudeviking:disqus I guess I was the only one who enjoyed that new Spiderman. I liked the leads in that film better than the previous series.

I enjoyed it a lot. You're not alone.

For me its Darjeeling Limited, I saw it with family so I couldnt walk out of it but I did leave and wander the theatre for ten mins because I couldnt take it anymore.

Another really strong ep. After spending the pilot being really cold and distant with her children it was nice to see Elizabeth bond with her daughter, it almost had shades of Tony Soprano trying desperately to bond with AJ when he was positive he was going to jail in season 2. The fight scene was excellent and Stan

My favoirte part is that in the original letter from his lawyer to Maher Trump asked that the 5 mil be paid to him directly and that he would disperse the funds himself. Like anyone would fall for that.

He even did a spot earlier this week on  Hardball.

I gave up there as well, I quite liked the 1st book and the Fincher film (not a popular opinion on this site) but man that second book is such a slog.