
A couple cats I knew got pulled over in nowhere Texas by an old man cop & he found their two mason jars filled with sweet Blueberry Nugs. The pair almost died of fright but the cop poured out the contraband onto the gravel road, & crushed it with his boot. He then told the bro's to get out of Texas. Really crazy cause

A couple cats I knew got pulled over in nowhere Texas by an old man cop & he found their two mason jars filled with sweet Blueberry Nugs. The pair almost died of fright but the cop poured out the contraband onto the gravel road, & crushed it with his boot. He then told the bro's to get out of Texas. Really crazy cause

NEUROSIS, JAWBREAKER, NATION OF ULYSSES.  Yes, I'm loving this "1992" week. The only thing I don't care for is all this reminding me of how goofy I looked back then, with my braided 'dreads' and multi color rubberbands holding them together complete with African symbol necklace & Birkenstocks. Focken A.

NEUROSIS, JAWBREAKER, NATION OF ULYSSES.  Yes, I'm loving this "1992" week. The only thing I don't care for is all this reminding me of how goofy I looked back then, with my braided 'dreads' and multi color rubberbands holding them together complete with African symbol necklace & Birkenstocks. Focken A.

I'm going to go with the age old excuse of everything happened because of craptastic hair metal. Just from my own experience, my friends and I absolutely worshiped  Heavy Metal throughout most of the 80's. Frickin W.A.S.P. & the like ruled the wasteland. But by 1986, it was over. A major sea change where metal was now

I'm going to go with the age old excuse of everything happened because of craptastic hair metal. Just from my own experience, my friends and I absolutely worshiped  Heavy Metal throughout most of the 80's. Frickin W.A.S.P. & the like ruled the wasteland. But by 1986, it was over. A major sea change where metal was now

Crimpshrine or die.

Crimpshrine or die.

No shit.  That changes everything.  Spielberg has lost it

No shit.  That changes everything.  Spielberg has lost it

your telling me your flannel didn't get 'crunchy', Brah?

your telling me your flannel didn't get 'crunchy', Brah?

For sure.  back when you had to just buy something without hearing it. That lead to alot of uncool "surprises".

For sure.  back when you had to just buy something without hearing it. That lead to alot of uncool "surprises".

Right on the nose

Right on the nose

Can I just add to this meandering comment that in '92 I saw Green Day  & they were freaking awful as well. So the whole anti corporate movement was not entirely without merit. I just hate myself for actively missing out on classic Jesus Lizard, KILLDOZER, & Laughing Hyena's shows because of a magazine.

Can I just add to this meandering comment that in '92 I saw Green Day  & they were freaking awful as well. So the whole anti corporate movement was not entirely without merit. I just hate myself for actively missing out on classic Jesus Lizard, KILLDOZER, & Laughing Hyena's shows because of a magazine.

In the year 1992, the Punk rock rulebook "Maximum Rock n Roll" decreed that all little punkers take a side. You either support true punk/ hardcore, or you sucked the nuts of corporate rock. The magazine once published a list of groups that had sold out & crossed over & now deserved ridicule. I blindly followed along,

In the year 1992, the Punk rock rulebook "Maximum Rock n Roll" decreed that all little punkers take a side. You either support true punk/ hardcore, or you sucked the nuts of corporate rock. The magazine once published a list of groups that had sold out & crossed over & now deserved ridicule. I blindly followed along,