
I hated, HATED dinky techno in the 90's until I heard the "Richard D. James" album when it came out. That changed everything. Suddenly, those insane time signatures made sense, and more importantly, the people who were raving till dawn on cheesy 90's techno tended to hate Aphex. Suddenly, the lost flock had a

I was in a shitty band that opened for PROPAGANDHI once. There were so many people there, (to see Propagandhi) and we blew chunks in front of all them. I still like my bands name though, we were called "SLOGAN"

NEUROSIS & ASSUCK ruled the wasteland that year. But I can't for the life of me figure out how that music appealed to me as a sober teen. What was wrong with me? 

That first HANSON BROTHERS record is the greatest album of the last century. TOTAL GOOMBAH

The freakin A.V. Club should run everything by this guy.

Saw VAN HAGAR in SE WI. Then saw Diamond Dave @ The Beaver Damn County Fair.  When I die & Satan asks me who I answer 2 I will never have hesitation in answering that question. DAVID LEE ROTH is a HUNK!

I am shocked,  shocked that this was a stinker.  Now, who will play Miss Lohan in her inevitable biopic a year or so after she is put down by Animal Control?  The craziest thing the Devil ever did was convince the world that Lindsay was once a good actress. 

I am shocked,  shocked that this was a stinker.  Now, who will play Miss Lohan in her inevitable biopic a year or so after she is put down by Animal Control?  The craziest thing the Devil ever did was convince the world that Lindsay was once a good actress. 

I need maximum old school hardcore to listen to while driving in rush hour, old school straight edge for when I'm cleaning the house, & max cross-over thrash if I have to do yard work or shovel. It's pop punk that I have no use for anymore.

I need maximum old school hardcore to listen to while driving in rush hour, old school straight edge for when I'm cleaning the house, & max cross-over thrash if I have to do yard work or shovel. It's pop punk that I have no use for anymore.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Total Babe

Total Babe

I got a friend who do to recent medical issues can only crap once a week & when he does they come out to be like 5 feet long…oh wait, you said "pop" star

I got a friend who do to recent medical issues can only crap once a week & when he does they come out to be like 5 feet long…oh wait, you said "pop" star

So sick of poseurs ruining our scene.

So sick of poseurs ruining our scene.

All those Boston bands re-united for that Boston movie & they weren't that bad. You act like all those riffs written by 17 year old's are totally complicated.

All those Boston bands re-united for that Boston movie & they weren't that bad. You act like all those riffs written by 17 year old's are totally complicated.