
you're talking about Sid Viscuous

you're talking about Sid Viscuous

She's hard on the eyes, but I gotta admit I'm beginning to like her style. Her live fast & die, rock 'n roll, crank it up & leave the losers in the dust lifestyle sure is more interesting than other "celebs".  At least she's truly not afraid of not giving a fuck at all. She's a red head Sid Viscous.

She's hard on the eyes, but I gotta admit I'm beginning to like her style. Her live fast & die, rock 'n roll, crank it up & leave the losers in the dust lifestyle sure is more interesting than other "celebs".  At least she's truly not afraid of not giving a fuck at all. She's a red head Sid Viscous.

Can i just say that having lived in Milwaukee, that neither this show, nor "Laverne & Shirley" accurately depict life in Milwaukee, in any decade, shape, inference, or notion?  (with the exception of Lenny & Squiggy)

Can i just say that having lived in Milwaukee, that neither this show, nor "Laverne & Shirley" accurately depict life in Milwaukee, in any decade, shape, inference, or notion?  (with the exception of Lenny & Squiggy)

Man,  turns out that this guy is pretty radical. I so much prefer this kind of Country Legend as to the idiotic bloated ramblings of some hick who was never good in the first place. Hank williams Jr., Ted Nudge, & Dave Mustaine should form a supergroup & go tour Europe in a bus.

Man,  turns out that this guy is pretty radical. I so much prefer this kind of Country Legend as to the idiotic bloated ramblings of some hick who was never good in the first place. Hank williams Jr., Ted Nudge, & Dave Mustaine should form a supergroup & go tour Europe in a bus.

I have been wobbling in my support of TWISTED SISTER over the last 30 (?!) years but now I wear my SMF badge with pride. And if U don't like it, well..eat shit & die you fawkin puke

I have been wobbling in my support of TWISTED SISTER over the last 30 (?!) years but now I wear my SMF badge with pride. And if U don't like it, well..eat shit & die you fawkin puke

While even the women were all wearing corsets, male fans of the steampunk genre' seem to be also fans of modern conveniences like  "Hot Pockets"  and extreme Dorritos flavored energy drinks.

While even the women were all wearing corsets, male fans of the steampunk genre' seem to be also fans of modern conveniences like  "Hot Pockets"  and extreme Dorritos flavored energy drinks.

I worked a Steampunk Festival in Milwaukee last summer. Generally, the guys had bigger tits than the women.

I worked a Steampunk Festival in Milwaukee last summer. Generally, the guys had bigger tits than the women.

Absolutely. But Chuck Beef Steak Norris would've never critically injured himself attempting to perform complicated martial art moves cause he was never any good at it! That guy couldn't kick a dead pigeon.

Absolutely. But Chuck Beef Steak Norris would've never critically injured himself attempting to perform complicated martial art moves cause he was never any good at it! That guy couldn't kick a dead pigeon.

This in no way balances out what happened to those women in Russia, but it is a victory for our Democracy & I'll take it.  U.S.A!

This in no way balances out what happened to those women in Russia, but it is a victory for our Democracy & I'll take it.  U.S.A!

your Mother

your Mother