
I got a sealed copy of that on vinyl.  Will I ever open it?…………probably not.

I got a sealed copy of that on vinyl.  Will I ever open it?…………probably not.

"Album" was the swan song.  There's been songs here & there since, but they never regained that distinct, creepy,  post-punk strangeness.  That live album he recorded with that house band from a random Holiday Inn was totally titz.

"Album" was the swan song.  There's been songs here & there since, but they never regained that distinct, creepy,  post-punk strangeness.  That live album he recorded with that house band from a random Holiday Inn was totally titz.

I'm confused..I like "Jerusalem".  I thought that was the final product & that "Dopesmoker" was a studio demo prior.  Doesn't help that I'm totally baked as we speak. 

Perfect, as I assume he will taste of fish.

Bring Me the Head of Ryan Seacrest


The drummer of THE DWARVES beat his snare like a step child. 

My favorite straight edge tale is from a tour diary of Poison Idea's "Feel the darkness" tour. They pull up in Boston, & immediately head to a liquor store by the gig location. It just so happens that the legendary Boston band SLAPSHOT were standing in a line in front of the liquor store preventing punks from

Yes, very strange. Most perplexing was that when you run into a Hare Krishna follower, they look high as fuck.

I turned STRAIGHT EDGE VEGAN my jr. year in Highschool, 1992.  But I had been thrashin the straight edge hardcore since the late 80's as well. An amazing phenomenon occurred in white trash wisconsin at that time where all the metal head burnouts, wasted punks & skinheads loved New York Hard Core. It was in.  People

Tea-Baggers, Socialists, & the rest of our Nation's citizens should unite under the banner of dismantling the FCC.  Talk about a useless Government Board. They have done nothing, absolutely nothing for the betterment of the average American Citizen in decades.  Storm the gates, hang the chairmen.

J.J. French

One of the worst things about this is that he was never any good.  Never that great of a guitarist, & his recorded output blows chunx. It's just all shit, everything about him. I do hope he eventually ends up in a stand-off.

I thought that pic. was O.J. Simpson

Do you not remember the opening chase in "Beverly Hills Cop"? Harsh.

Many moons ago some cohorts & I got a hold of the porno version of this show. "Married with Hormones".  Man, that was fuked up. Could never watch the show again…

Smooth Move, Ex-Lax.