
Collaborating with Ke$ha & Chris Martin is crazier than all of "Zaireeka" 

Who freaking likes this guy? (Piven) I have known simpletons who do like Dane Cook & Adam Sandler but who appreciates this Piven schmuck? How does he keep getting work?

Adam Sandler fucking sucks. He sucks more than a black hole. His "comedy" albums suck. All of his movies suck. The only thing about him that doesn't suck is his face, which totally blows.

Ever since Bt Junkie  shut down I don't know where to pilfer the goods. It has forced me to become a law abiding citizen which is fucking bullshit. I do not ascribe to your Earth Policies. For it is far better to Reign in Hell than 2 serve on your knees in Heaven

after much introspection, I've decided to retract my initial statement

How about this; Reboot the  "Breakin" series & release a Criterion Collection version of "Beat Street".

sigh,..the original is not even that good.  Reboot "Beat Street"!

But where does King Diamond stand on the payroll tax?

it ain't gonna be pretty

Only "Seattle": & Fat chance hotel"  Happy represents the beginning of the end of tolerance. And after learning what "Seattle"  was about, kinda whittled it down 2 "fat chance hotel".  And this is coming from a guy who forced himself 2 like "This is what U want, this is what U get" as an 8th grader. Can not believe

I still can not believe this is the guy who did "HATED". Warner Bro.s should release it on blu-ray

Used 2 watch this vhs everyday in '87. Not sure what about it spoke 2 me as a 7th grader. I sure would've thought that Alex Cox would be far more recognized in this universe.  Much like "Repo Man" this flick had a soundtrack that's as important as the film itself. Circle jerks & The Pogues? get out a here. I do

What about shows you wished you have never attended?  In '95 I was talked in to seeing 'PHISH'. I ended up sitting with my head between my legs & then stand up right real quick to try to make myself pass out.

yeah, I was kidding. Raaooul were fun for novelty. Blackfork had a 7" at least. But they were good, in a Blatz /Paxton quigly way. SPITBOY

Yes, in the hazy '90's, people acted as if she was the first womyn 2 ever pick up a guitar & sing.  nothing she ever did could hold a candle 2 the best of Buffy Saint Marie or even Joni Mitchel. Of coarse I pretended to appreciate her through most of the decade in order 2 procreate. 

Hey, Yeastie Girlz was harsh, but Raaoooul  Ruled. Screaming teenage girls..turn it up

Totally, it's completely solid. "Live '84" is good as well. I always thought the Black Flag & Descendents/ALL live releases best encapsulated both band's best

"I AGAINST I" & "Bad Brains LIVE!" are absolute SST Cannon! For shame…

Yes, Bl'ast! were totally underrated. It's in my Blood is Power