
The complete control he maintains of so many classic albums, that can not be remixed of their "Spotty" production. All of the complaints by bands over money owed over the years, him taking down all righteous video's off youtube & such, & not 2 mention the complete Negativeland debacle. Actually, his propensity to be a

I will always respect Greg Ginn for all he has contributed to the history of punk/hardcore/ & alternative, & I must simultaneously acknowledge how much that dude sucks 

"Metal Health" was my first record & first favorite as a stupid kid. Back then, I thought they were saying "Girls, Fuck The Boy'z" in the noize chorus.  Years later in the 90's, I put the album on a high dollar stereo & was shocked to find that they really do shout that line in the chorus. Or at least some of them do,