
But you did get pixilated jism, so STFU.

Man, the part where Jaws 2 eats the cute girl trying to get back into the boat in front of the lil Brody really bummed me out.

Man, the part where Jaws 2 eats the cute girl trying to get back into the boat in front of the lil Brody really bummed me out.

On tit*

On tit*

The FLOW-ers! are still. Standing.

The FLOW-ers! are still. Standing.

By baby carrots, do you mean veggie dip/ranch delivery stick?

By baby carrots, do you mean veggie dip/ranch delivery stick?

I gotta come to AVClub? I gotta fucking come to AVClub?! FOR THIS!?

I gotta come to AVClub? I gotta fucking come to AVClub?! FOR THIS!?

This community is only slightly more shitty than that of MW3.

::Slaps belly. Sounds hollow::

I think we've saved the picture ::hand shakes all around ::

Pot brownies and Ed Harris' gleaming head in the Rock equals vomit. WHY THE FUCK IS HE SO SHINY?!

The planet is just like Earth. The turtles had Mutegen spilled on them there, it just didn't happen here.

Currently wearing pants.

Fox cry
Fox cry
Fox cry


Brotha Lynch Hung must be spinning in his Lay-Z-bway