
Wes Anderson's American Psycho. Keep the cast.

Dey old. Dey fat. Anderson don't frame chub.

I like Wes, but this trailer really emphasized his 'Quick Zoom in on Everything'. Actually, it seemed like it really emphasized all of his stylistic jammies. This gwon b da most Anderson Anderson. Twee up.  

Shits boring.

All Free Oxes is correct. 7, 8 and 9 are the best because they just got weirder and weirder. It was like parody at that point. But it was really hilarious too. Jennifer Crittenden is, or was amazing. What'd she do after Seinfeld? Raymond? Gross.

Oh nice. Good jorb, guys!

Well Exuuuuuse meeeee!

You didn't find his veggie platters hilarious? Was it not to your satisfaction??

You're such a Kinsey. The art department want their drafts back, you hump.

I spoke to the television a few times too, one of them being the agreement by Jessie to get Gus. That scene in rehab… man, I was squeezing my bottom lip by the end of it. Tense, amazing stuff.

Are you dipshits going to keep doing this on every fucking review? It doesn't fucking matter. Jesus.

People don't operate this way. I hope not anyway. Hank would realize the connection and we would see him consciously do something about it (willfully ignore or take action.)

If you are that scuzzy, the chances of your passenger removing the gag and then wasting what little precious breath they have left to lament the stink of your car is slim. More likely they beg or curse you.

Somewhat chubby? Hank has always looked pretty ripped to me. Hank is a blowhard because he is a sensitive dude. It's a wall. I've always liked Hank. He's far from ignorant. Guy is on top of shit. Gonna be tough to see him fall.


Yeah Mary, about the Walt feet up thing. Gus takes out the trash at Hermanos as we saw last week. That stuck with me because in instances where I've had to put trash in smelly ass bins, I'd toss from a distance and get away quick. Gus flipped it in and kinda just stood around. He don't mind the stink.

care*. I was drunk.

Walt doesn't car if you are tired. He doesn't even care about his own family, much less your lack of sleep.

Ah shit. This old as hell.

Fair well and adieu to you saggy-tit geezers. Fair well and adieu you titty'd old dudes! For we've received orders to sail back to Boston and never no more shall we vomit again.