
Hey! Yeah! Where's all those great checkbook balancing scenes from the books?

I'm not a fan of the whole wind-shield wiper 'this is my design' stuff. Feels hammy to me. And the grotesque murder centerpieces are absolutely gratuitous. I appreciate the less is more approach, but that's my taste. I will begrudgingly accept the Scott Thompson the show presents, because he is Scott Thompson. But

If this show didn't revolve so heavily around the ridiculous 'case of the week' structure, I'd be willing to elevate it above 'guilty pleasure'. The craftsmanship of the show is indisputable, except in this one regard.

"See you on the other side, Ray."

Watched this episode before bed. Dreamed about doing above the bar pull ups unbroken for 20 minutes.

"That's right, go to lunch just like you always do."

They did drop Skye into a pool so she could run around all wet. That's gotta count for somethin'.

Oh dear. We're not off to a good start here.

That's exactly what happened to Lomaz!

Don't over cook it. Ya over cook it, it's no good. It defeats it's own purpose.

- Best request for parsley.
 - Best talent show host.
 - Best plan to meet-up in 10 years.

Push harder.

Yeah, he pretty much implied he was going to attack her if she bent over again.

I feel repulsed.

I was 4 minutes in before I asked myself "Why am I watching this?"

Maybe he's a Ferengi and it's a part of his culture. Don't be insensitive.

Mourning Wood, New Yorkers Erect Giant Thing.



But you did get pixilated jism, so STFU.