
Missed da caption. I still prefer my reality. I'ma keep it incorrect.

I love this video. All of the pointed pointing and over excited grabbing! Amazing.

I wouldn't let them out. They look grumpy as shit. Why they so grumpy?

The idea that the plan was dangerous is assuming that Fring gives a shit about the people involved. He doesn't. They are chess pieces. Who cares what happens to them? Let's see if Jesse does what we want him to do and if he does, bully. If not, fuck it. We'll think of something else.

I'd like to apologize for posting the link to the erroneous (based on that single error) synopsis on the AMC site, numerous times. I will never trust another synopsis.

Eso, that is some fine nerd work. I love this board.

If only we all knew the process! I thought we were all agreed Victor had to die for being spotted at Gale's. Aside from that, there is no way Victor could know how to cook what Walt and Jesse know from just watching from the catwalk. Walt got worked up because he was scared shitless already. Didn't Walt unload a bunch

And yeah, Yabels is correct. Apparently it is nigh impossible to make what Walt makes. There would have to be a reduction in quality for Heisenberg = dead.

And yeah, Yabels is correct. Apparently it is nigh impossible to make what Walt makes. There would have to be a reduction in quality for Heisenberg = dead.

That exhibition in Tuco's lair was reactionary. Walt is all reaction, all the time.

I don't think Walt has it in him for a long con. He generally is just scrambling to cover up past screw ups. This screw up will probably get some wheels moving.

Those aren't new. Great. Now I have nothing.

Oh, I get it. Huh. I don't know, I just don't see it as self-inflated. It feels pretty genuine to me. It is contrived that SPOILER Nicky is able to be the ultimate roulette champion all that time and only loses when he's face to face with Micheal, but what are ya gonna do. I like the cast and their characters.

He was sweeping, you sons of bitches! He was sweeping!

Give your lab rats the scene in The Killing Fields where they fail to get Dith Pran's passport altered and he is taken from the embassy. Then show them the last scene.

I cry at movies. The first was when I was 8 and watched Little Big Man. Fucking Custer and the juxtaposition of that damned cheerful sounding flute.

The Deer Hunter has been one of my favorites since I was a wee lad. I love the wedding/reception. So many great lines!

I'm blown away, George! Blowowowowowwwwn.

Seriously. Let's bring Deb in on it already! The show needs to end.