
I love this show

One things for sure. Hank needs to stop taking Marie for GRANITE.

The last three episodes of last season would not have been the fucking incredible things they were without these types of episodes. I have zero problem with the piece/mood setting episodes. Interesting, you will be yelling at the tv again in due time. Enjoy the build.

Ted Beneke is still in need of a Walter White beatdown.

Keep posting this, but it keeps coming up. Per the BB site, it was Mike. I also thought it sounded like Gus though: http://www.amctv.com/shows/…

Are we gonna talk about this every episode?

I just realized he was probably opening the Roomba for coke particles. Who was Bubbles?

Where's my burrito?! Where's my burrito?!

You told Brandt. He told me. I know what happened. Yes? Yes?

My introduction to Giancarlo was as Yoyo in Night on Earth. And he is awesome in that. He's awesome in everything. Oh yeah! He's even awesome in Nothing to Lose with Tim Robbins and Martin Lawrence.

I was with ya up until Rhino. Only went once and will not be back. So many popped collars, I feared for my eyeballs.

I thought I was going to hate Kick-Ass too, but I didn't. It's nothing special, but it works (the pictures move). I suppose I only liked it because it wasn't as terrible as I thought it would be. What have I become?

Die Hard is the best holiday movie.

I would love to see any of those.

I guess if his style of speech is rooted in speech patterns he grew up with then I wouldn't suppose it's fake. Like James Caan sez, 'These are slum kids. I was a slum kid. Everyone talks like that.'


That's some nice gibberin'. Wonderful addition. Here's the thing. Guy sez he's not so keen on Poltergeist. There it is. You like, it? Fine. Act that way. Wasn't asking you, was asking Steven. When's the last time any of you'se watched it anyway? I'm saying it didn't hold up to my memories of it.

Weren't the agents also all smoking big azz blunts in the original? Airbrushed into sand and sky.

He was a Mau Mau in Bamboozled. And then he wanted to get kilt too. Alos, that Mau Mau Mos Def verse was sick. I'ma go find that.