
Matt Damon fat. He need to go on weight watchers. He lives in the ocean cuz he ain't got no joooooob.

That's right, Senator. You n' me, we hate that movie. Now let's us go and get hyperbolic about every passing man in the streets opinions.

How comes I remembered Poltergeist fondly, but then when I tried to watch it the other night I found myself wondering if I had been an idiot child? Why produce that?

I bet you do, Baldwin! I just bet you do 'find' that!

What kind of fucked up research are they doing where they think anyone wants another Godzilla movie? WHAT KIIIIIIIIIIIIIND?!

Were those skills on display in an ineptly edited p.o.s. movie?

Gary Oldman plays Gordon like he's visiting from another planet.

Break you real good.

Peggy would have blown him away in a heartbeat and then treated herself to a self satisfactory cup o' joe afterwards.

I'm afraid I am way too stoked for Drive. Brooks as a bad guy. So very very stoked.

Ravenholm made me jump. Never did that in a game before. Fuck that.

Seriously, Casey Kasem is asking what happened to the PICTURES he was supposed to see?!?

C'mon, Spicoli, put your shirt back on.

I triiiied! Oh, Lord how I did try.

I can't believe you haven't heard my internal pining for you all these years.

He assuredly does not.

Just to round it out, YOU ARE A JERK TIMES THREE!

Photo or It Didn't Happen
Smell me?

Beef with Near Rhymes? Fine.
I don't understand why near rhymes irk people. I like em! I like the way English sounds and I like that you can create rolling, lumbering phrases with insane cadence that makes it hard to decipher where words begin and end. It's an interesting language. Why handcuff yourself by adhering

They probably really love what they do and want their company to succeed.