
Then why respond? Enjoy your tacked on love interests, does ya?

Well well. Wouldja lookie here.

Yes, I was happy to see Robert punching and being a smart ass. It's refreshing.

Yes, I was thinking to myself 'Thank God they crammed a woman into this, otherwise it may have just been all action.' I've now shared that thought with you nerds.

Funny or snide?

Yeah, he got one. It a crisp and grainy, sweaty saturated nauseating aesthetic, but it is still an aesthetic.

Fuck my cock.

Burton/Depp?! Ed Wood is insanely awesome and Edward Scissorhands is a masterpiece.

BB is amazing. I've never yelled at the screen watching *anything*. This show has made me do that, twice. Definitely in my top 5 all time shows. That preview elicited a face straining grin in the final 2 seconds.

Albert Brooks is one of my personal heroes. Him, Spalding Gray, David Byrne and Bjork.

GI Joe was watchable. I don't remember any exacts either, but twas more entertaining than any uh duh Transformers. Michael's aesthetic just rubs me raw. So very, very raw.

Why Twitter? Internet ain't worth talkin' to.

Not going to see this.

This thread has a dent in it.

Ray Winstone was attempting an American accent in The Departed??? Good lord! I thought he was just doing his regular voice.

Mangold has the right tone for this jobby.

Another quality Arlingtonite. Goddamned khaki sporting, sunglasses-all-the-timing, self important assholes.

The CNN boards are insane. So depressing. Went to VCU in Richmond, where it's not Martin Luther King Jr Day, but Robert E. Lee day. This was shocking to me being raised in Fairfax VA. They even get little dudes all dressed up in their Johnny Reb outfits to parade around the statues of Jeb Stuart and sitch.

This thread is funny. I will applaud and boo what I please, you socially retarded funcrushers!

That sounds like something a psychotic would think.