
Bullock tells Gordon to meet him on something and Grundy-street.

That was…not good. Not good at all. Wow that was a pile of crap. Where do I start? Trying to run before the show can walk by introducing so much Bat-history in one go was just a mess. The acting, direction and over all look of the show was terrible. I know this is a prime-time Fox show, I'm not expecting The Wire,

The Bridge in my eyes has always been a solid B- summer show that always had the potential to be better. With the conclusion of last weeks episode and tonights episode it has finally achieved its A- status. I really hope it maintains its progress.

Well if it's true that talk show is gonna get very bland, very quickly. Ferguson was a great interviewer. If they wanted to replace him with somebody of equal character and ability while also based in Britain they should have thrown a pile of cash at Graham Norton and let him do what he wants with a late night show.

After watching the 3 episodes, I think pacing is the shows biggest problem. For my mind everything thats happened so far could have probably been told in the opening 2 episodes. They really needed to present the viewer with more immediate horror rather than play the slower drawn out game because frankly most of the

Thanks Scott, nice work by the way.

Hmm. Bronze and silver. My biggest complaint is all the promo looks super depressing. These characters are supposed to inspire.

It's not supposed to be a direct representation of how North America is divided but it's an abstract representation of Yin and Yang since the i-Ching is featured prominently in the novel.

You should get midlands radio or mid and northwest radio(weakly) but the closer you get to Athlone/Tullamore the stranger it gets, I wouldn't be sure of other names but I'd be used of changing stations taking the road to Galway while cursing my lack of mp3 player. I'd counter that yes while all those acts current and

Country music is still pretty big in the rural areas of the country, in fact as soon as you get to Enfield outside of Dublin you'll pick up radio stations that broadcast almost entirely country (mostly Irish Country with some American crossover). I also think Brooks had this weird cross over marketing into popular

The GAA use Croke Park from I'd say early March to early October each year for Gaelic Games. These matches, either Hurling or Football would take place roughly every second weekend on a Saturday or Sunday(sometimes both) as either League or Championship games. You can expect anywhere between 30 to the capacity 80

As an Irish person, fuck this story. I don't understand how people have taken this so seriously. Performer and promoter don't get payday. Boo-fucking-hoo. I'm delighted the local authorities ruled partly in favour of the residents that live around the venue Croke Park. It is a sports venue and not officially a

Yahoo?? This was Alta Vistas time re-shine!


T-Bone Burnett needs to win some awards for this work. The entire season has been magnificent in terms of musical direction.

So let's look at the possible connection between Martys family and the Cult. The rich grand father is a good bet. Audrey is the key connection here. Was she abused or did she somehow witness one of the cults rituals? Her picture in tonight's episode featured her art with black stars prominently rising.

It all depends on the Yellow King.

I wouldn't call her a deviant but I think she definitely takes after her father in regards to her strong emotional reactions and poor choices when it comes to sexual partners. It is strongly hinted that she was abused, maybe by her affluent grandfather who may be part of the cult of the yellow king. I think next

I think it was to show how potentially big the case could be and to re-emphasize the methodical nature of Rust 'The Taxman' and shitty the work of previous detectives/the possibility of department cover-ups.

George Snr was cross-dressing in Season 2 or was it 3 while hiding in the attic of the model home.  He was sharing clothes with Tobias too when he went through the Mrs. featherbottom phase.