But you gained a stretch limo full of bees smuggled into Mexico.
I bet if you typed that into something you'd find out.
I think the season was worth an A.
How so?
This is certainly one of the best titles DC is currently publishing. Like a lot of the Edge line there is a real sense of old-school Vertigo about the series(which I only noticed this month that Vertigo's Will Dennis is the editor on Dial H). I also assume that the books numbers are pretty poor so I hope there is a…
I got a Community notice for this?!? *rabble* *rabble*
Why does Cat Power look like Miley Cyrus?
Why does Cat Power look like Miley Cyrus?
I always got such a kick out of The Human Bullet. "FIRE ME BOY!"
I always got such a kick out of The Human Bullet. "FIRE ME BOY!"
So…did they completely waste Seth Gilliam?
So…did they completely waste Seth Gilliam?
I agree that smoking a bong is hardly falling off the wagon.
I agree that smoking a bong is hardly falling off the wagon.
I agree. The only person Walt owes that kind favor to is Jesse. He owes him blood and he has always gone out of his way to protect him.
I agree. The only person Walt owes that kind favor to is Jesse. He owes him blood and he has always gone out of his way to protect him.
That was a great way to finish. There are so many things up in the air the final 8 episodes are gonna be tense as hell. I really hope they make the final episode feature length.