Bravo Sir. Bravo.
Trump doesn't use email apparently. Everything has to be paper and then obviously burned. He's old school when it comes to treason.
All we need is a revelation of Don Jr's affinity for magic and he is our real life Gob Bluth.
Olivia Coleman with an episode of Michell and Webb as companions before the return of Bill.
After watching the opening episodes I have the same problem. Jesse and Tulip are assholes. The show really needs to fix this, particularly because it completely flies in the face of the characters moral codes. Sure, both of them are damaged individuals but the show hasn't applied any balance to them yet so they're…
Is there a placeholder up for the Twin Peaks review yet? People need to talk about what David Lynch just produced!
I'd hope there is a deleted scene somewhere with that confrontation. There has to be.
I think Emmits death harkens back to the supernatural, it's obvious from his fridge photos that he hadn't learned his lesson, his brother was absent, a forgotten footnote to pride and greed. Mr. Wrench turns up to finish the job.
I think it will be more rewarding on a re-watch but I feel like the season didn't get going fast enough and then it was time to end it. There was an unusual pace to it that felt like Hawley had given given his writers room the opening, then stepped back, let them meander a little, and then returned to end it. It…
Stuhlbarg just astounds me every time I see him onscreen. I do feel he could have been given more to do in this season but his final scene was just heartbreaking. I would have also loved to have seen more Shea Whigham. An immensely talented actor that was underused.
You can take it any way you want, it's the beauty of the ending. I choose to believe somebody in Rikers is using mashed potatoes as lube to teach V.M. about his standing in the new world he now inhabits. A man of high standing, brought incredibly low.
Varga was absolutely the eagle. Swango and Wrench were my favorite part of this season, but Niki got too personal and let the real villain go.
Varga went down, we were left hanging on a question of faith with no definite answer from the creator. Vargas cynicism or Gloria's optimism left to the audience. I side with Gloria.
Personally I love it, as a character I always had a soft spot for Harry and he's a very important part to the shows universe. I really hope we get a scene at the end with either Forster or McLaughlin with Ontkean, I know it's very unlikely and I would imagine this illness could claim the characters life, but it would…
A great episode, I'm amazed at how much is jammed into this show, small things that seem inconsequential but will no doubt have a bearing on things 3-4 hours down the line.
It was absolutely masterful.
I think what we all need to make our peace with is that Lynch, for better or for worse, is getting to have his cake and eat it in terms of themes, actors he wanted to work with, etc, etc.
What a superb episode, Michael McKean really does deserve an award, an Emmy or something for his work as Chuck over the entire series.
My Gaelic isn't the best but I can usually tell what is being said, that's why I said the speech could have used more polish, I couldn't make out the gist of it outside of recognizing they were attempting to use old Irish.