
I would say the phrase 'Plastic-Paddy' is generally reserved for second and third generation immigrant offspring from the mass emigrations of the 50's, 60's and 70's though, rather than having anything to do with the 'Celtic-tiger' disaster. It's usually reserved for loud asses that claim Irish heritage but hold no

It was an ok episode. I give most of my credit to Pablo and Emily for their portrayals of Sweeney and Moon.

So nobody is talking about Big Thiefs new release Capacity this week??

I'm sure they'll figure out a loop-hole. Or they do something illegal. It's not like the show has a muddied and gray morality when it comes to the rule of law or anything……..

I would say Jimmy is forced back into practicing law sometime before his suspension is up. Jimmy McGill can't practice but I'm sure Saul Goodman could represent though some loop-hole. I would then imagine whatever fallout from this event then allows Jimmy to be consumed by Sauls lifestyle and then we're almost at

Remember, Lydia represents Madrigal Electric. Los Pollos Hermanos is a division of their vast empire and probable global criminal network. Lydia always had to show up if they were dealing with Gus' day to day running of his empire.

I feel whatever happens with Kim is going to break all our hearts. Rhea Seehorn is doing such a great job.

She was in HBOs Luck too and she voices Tony Starks onboard A.I. Friday in the Marvel movies. She's an Irish actress.

3 feels like the right number, however it could be 2, to my knowledge the creators haven't set any kind of timeline, but I feel they can't push it much farther. The actors aren't getting any younger and they'll have to approach more connection points in the series soon. Tuco would probably have his 6 months upped to a

Just some kid called Capt'n Cook…..

I'll pour one out for Powers Boothe later tonight, I loved his Cy Tolliver portrayal in Deadwood, he just ate up the screen.

Alligator is the masterpiece, Boxer the confidant follow-up, and really the springboard to their current success. The Boxer tour(s) were amazing performances, I remember seeing them in Dublin and a young but confidant solo performing St. Vincent opened for them. That was a wild night in the now defunct and sticky

So those aliens at the beginning of the episode escaped Barry by running away….from the fastest man alive……..come on writers…..try….that's all we ask!

And probably Teddy, remember he leads her back to her fate most of the time, they appear to the culprits of whatever robot uprising occurred in the past with the probable death of Arnold.

The cartoon is the vastly superior effort. I'm surprised they haven't returned to it actually in this day and age of the successful cartoon sitcom.

OK so we all agree, fire Christian Slater and have Alf take over his role. He's in there so it can work damnit!

When I clicked this link I whispered 'please, please be O'Neal'. I was not disappointed. Scott Baio, a gormless, charmless, narcissist. He'll fit right in at the convention or liars and racists. I can't wait until Hilary landslides all of them.

'Ordinary f*ckin people!' and 'No blinky lights! No Blinky!' Ah dear sweet Party Down.

You're living a very good life.
