I remember watching that show when I was a kid. Straight up Sesame Street knockoff, but I still liked it as a tyke. Although the theme song went on forever and ever…
I remember watching that show when I was a kid. Straight up Sesame Street knockoff, but I still liked it as a tyke. Although the theme song went on forever and ever…
The characters in TWD are also terrible. They have to be, because the only reason anyone watches either show is to watch shitty people get the violent deaths they so richly deserve.
They're so poor they don't even have a language, just a stupid accent.
Hopefully this movie will focus on the true hero of the story: Grantaire, the drunken nihilist who finally wakes up only to throw his life away for meaningless idealism. Should have stayed drunk, Grantaire.
SPOILER ALERT: at the end of the book M. Thenardier moves to America and gets rich as a slave trader. The musical makes it seem like he's just doing what he must to get by, day by day, but in the book he gets a lengthy speech to explain that he simply thinks he deserves more so he takes it.
When did celebrity profiles become journalism?
Can't you hear the guns you stupid, dumb, dick-sucking bum politicians?
You try to ban the J.K.? I got one stashed away with a case of hand grenades!
Once you have been left behind by the monoculture, you only have one choice: kill yourself. Well, kill yourself or complain impotently. I guess that's two choices.
Forgive me if this is in another thread, but I question who the "he" was when Ned's sister told him that "he must never find out." I thought she meant Ned's best friend Robert, who would definitely kill the child as a contender to the throne. Am I missing something?
You had to travel pretty far, but you got there.
Don Rickles would not last long on the Iron Throne. He kids because he loves. Hard to see him cutting out the tongue of the Westerosi Weird Al.
The joke is on the Sand Snakes: they tried to provoke the Lannisters into war but it turns out that Cercei simply forgot about her dead daughter within minutes.
That's some quality Frozen shade, right out of nowhere. 4.5 stars.
You just wasted your #slatepitch at the A.V Club.
One day that summer I was at LAX waiting to fly home and watch the episode of Survivor I had missed earlier that week (it was recorded on the primitive DVR) when Sue Hawk sat down directly across from me. I didn't speak to her because I was afraid of spoilers.
Movie about the future starring Catherine Zeta-Jones from the past.
Exactly this. Three assassinations in two heavily guarded locations, the conspiracy must have been huge and none of the targets had the slightest suspicion? They deserved to die, they were boring as hell anyway. I haven't read the books but sorry to any Dorian fans if Dorian wasn't a useless idiot in the books.
"Instead it just ended up being a little extra gravy on the kidney pie that was her demise."
Spark a fatty beforehand and it sounds like you'll have a perfect night.