
Yeah, as a kid I always thought the outcome in Grease was backwards. There are lots of little hints that Danny doesn't actually like be head of the "cool" idiots who are going nowhere in life. I thought the reason he liked Sandy (aside from the fact that she was so fucking pretty it took your breath away) was that

I fucking love this anecdote!

I ain't saying she's a gold digger, but she ain't messin' with no experienced, competent national leader.

I thought The Good Place started getting a little tedious near the end of the season, but I did enjoy that one. I tried to like Speechless and Fresh Off the Boat, but I gave up on both of them. I also enjoyed the first couple seasons of The Goldbergs, but I never watch that any more either.

Conway would light that dollar on fire if it got between her and a TV camera.

You are missing out if you are not watching Superstore. Aside from that, I can't think of any good live action network sitcoms that are still on the air.

To be fair, I didn't mean that due process is relevant to anything that happens in the comment section on an Internet board. Fuck that! When it comes to comments, I am judge, jury, and executioner.

Or possibly having a problem with the "punishment first, trial later" attitude in general?

I was playing with one of these spinners as I read the article, but then I was forced to drop the spinner because the take was SO FUCKING HOT!

Since you have such good taste, a willingness to share, and an overall friendly demeanor, give us a recommendation: what are you jerking off to this week?

That is weird, because when I hear it all I hear is the dramatic irony of a gentle song being sung by a sadist who is about to torture and maim some children.

There is a difference. Muppet Christmas Carol was just A Christmas Carol where some of the characters happened to be Muppets. The only thing shoehorned in were the narrators, and adding narration is a lot different than creating brand new characters that change the entire story.

Great, but only the robot thinks it is you. The actual you realizes that you are still you and, presumably, does not want to die just so the strong robot can maintain its illusion of being you.

Ugh, no way! "See that robot over there? That's you now! Since the robot is now you, we're going to go ahead and kill this old meatsack now." I'm not sure anyone would be cool with that.

I think that's how they used to talk back when letters did not come with the previous correspondence quoted in full below the text of the letter, and when the time between sending a letter and receiving a response could be days or weeks. It's just polite to summarize what the "second question" was when the person you

I'm not sure it is fair to call her a gold digger or a mail-order bride. Prior articles about her courtship with Trump indicate that it was more like her father sold her into sex slavery. She stays because if she dumped Trump her parents would be kicked out of Trump Tower.

She is not and never has been an escort! Escorts negotiate a price before providing services. We have no evidence she ever did that.

If those shimmery fucks have a problem with it, they can take it up with Qui-Gon. He's the asshole whose stupid decisions caused all of this in the first place.

Nerds after his Star Trek movie: "That is NOTHING like Star Trek, it is way too different from what we wanted, this movie SUCKS BALLS!"

The "ugliness of outing" is not a new discussion. In fact, I'm guessing that the only reason we haven't had the wave of outings by "allies" of trans politicians and celebrities that we had of gay politicians and celebs is that being trans is so much more rare.