
Great, now I've got three full episodes to watch before I can go to sleep tonight.

I'm gonna give you a pass on that one, that is within the acceptable range of spoilers.

Thanks for the additional spoilers, motherfucker. Grade A trolling.

The Punisher goes to prison reveals a surprise. It's not like this is a show about prisoners set in a prison. The fact that a major character goes to prison, presumably for doing the same kind of stuff that our hero does all the time without going to prison, is a spoiler.

Again, my issue is not with spoilers in the reviews or whatever spoilers can be inferred from the title of the program. My problem is putting spoiler text and images on the front page of the A.V. Club.

"It's not that bad of a spoiler" is not that good of a defense. It would have been very easy to do a non-spoiler teaser for the front page. The fact that they didn't is reflective of pure, well, you know.

They fact that they know how to do non-spoiler front page titles is what makes it so much more frustrating.

Sorry if there was any confusion. I'm not going to read in context because, again, trying to avoid spoilers.

Not everybody has limitless time for binge watching Netflix. The season has only been out for a month. If it was a normal series this episode would not have even happened yet.

A major character in the series has something very serious happen to him. If I wrote AARON GETS KILLED BY NEGAN, it would be a Walking Dead spoiler even for someone who doesn't yet know who Aaron and Negan are. As soon as you see Aaron for the first time, you already know how his story is going to end. That's a

Frank being Punisher is not the spoiler. Think of the spoiler as being MAJOR CHARACTER GOES TO PRISON. The identity of the major character is not the issue, it's the plot point being given away on the front page in a way that cannot be avoided.

The iconography is not a spoiler. Saying the Punisher goes to prison and showing a picture of a guy in prison is a spoiler. When I find out who the Punisher is, I'll already know what happens to him.

No, I'm bitching about the spoiler on the front page of the A.V. Club. Not sure what is so hard to understand about that.

I don't know what the Punisher skull is, I don't know what Elektra is, and I don't know what a sai is. Because I'm avoiding spoilers. Or at least I was until the A.V. Club of Dickbags decided otherwise.

I disagree strongly. There is no need to hide plot points IN THE REVIEWS. Putting spoilers on the front page where they cannot be avoided by people who aren't looking for Daredevil spoilers is pure dickbagishness.

Or maybe I haven't started watching the season at all and I don't even know who Frank is. But I do now. In case I was wondering, he goes to prison after having 30 murder charges brought against him.


The problem with skipping to the comments is that the phrase which caused the most painful eye-rolling ("pinged as problematic") was in the comments.

I lost my virginity last night, but I'm sure you already heard about it from your mom. *various loud noises and snapping motions*

Sorry, best TV theme music is Gravity Falls.