
Unsuspecting? As if!

Right? It's positively uncanny.

Does old Max von Sydow look more like a Skeksis than young Rebecca De Mornay looked like a Gelfling?

Always with the strippers. What's wrong with snorting a line of blow off your wife's tit?

I was about that age when it was on the air, and I thought the same thing about how boring it was. What seemed sinister was not only that this magic existed somewhere and only rich people knew about it, but also because I worried that adulthood must be really awful if these rich beautiful people needed a magical

Hopefully the game won't bore us with the details of Captain Phasma's miraculous escape from Starkiller Base.

"I would love an excuse to see Simon & Garfunkel live, because I
wasn’t even born when Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel performed their last
proper concert together."

Palpatine played a role, but if Yoda and Kenobi weren't such fuckups he never would have succeeded.

No need to call them liars when there is a more obvious answer: they are stupid as fuck. I can't think of a single thing in the entire SW canon that Yoda didn't get wrong. And Kenobi single-handedly created Darth Vader. Those two yutzes were responsible for most of the suffering in the galaxy. If either of them told

Maybe I'm trying to hard to justify serious logic flaws in a movie I want to like, but I thought the problem Kylo faced in that last battle was that he was all fucked up from killing his father, plus the bowcaster shot. He thought killing Han would complete his turn to the dark side, but in fact it just made him more

You're going to have to drug B.A.'s milk if you want to get him in one of those lifeboats.

I would never talk to a real, live woman because doing so apparently strips away all ability to detect irony.

That was normal and healthy indeed. Only perverts think younger Asoka was hotter…

The rebellion song was funny, but they straight up ripped off that gag from the South Park movie.

Actually, I found Stern's comments to Iger to be right on point. He nailed it.

So glad you posted the commercial so I don't have to. I freaking loved that ad. RIP, Mr. Loggia. I promise to drink my orange juice.

What about Lobot, who self-identifies as genderfluid?

It does not even come close to circling back around to being entertaining. It never goes past 185 degrees. The remainder is bridged by the entertainment value of marveling that they are actually making that show and putting it on the air. That wasn't enough to keep me tolerating the dumb, but YMMV.

FFS, get it and play it immediately. It is the best video game I have ever played.

Right? The only reason to have that much plastic surgery is because you were mauled by a bear.