
Dude, too soon.

I will enjoy Adnan's release from prison and the subsequent lawsuit against the government, both of which are coming soon. Then I'll enjoy thinking about how much both of those things piss you off.

What you think it the sound of all nerds having an orgasm at the same time is actually just your mom.

I don't know what the fuck a "data wormhole" is or what you think it has to do with anything. If I understand you correctly, you are saying we can't ever really know anything for certain, but you know for certain that Adnan did it.

I don't think it was Jay, so he had no motive except to get out of other charges pending against him. He started telling the lies the cops wanted to hear, and then he was trapped because he had admitted to being an accessory to the murder. He couldn't back down.

If there was a decent pushback, the State would do so in its briefs. The fact that the State's response sucks so hard is pretty good evidence that no pushback can be made. Unless you count ignorant ranting by Reddit imbeciles as "pushback."

If you mean Serial only when you say you listened to "the whole thing" then you really don't know what is going on in this case. Listen to the Undisclosed podcast. You will learn that it is extremely unlikely that Adnan committed the murder. It is not possible that she was killed and then immediately stuffed into

His whole "panel of random idiots" format is the reason I stopped watching. It's also one of the top reasons to hate Bill Maher's show.

If you count the fake year in the cocoon matrix in real time, it was only four weeks. The dome accelerated the grieving process so family members and loved ones who were killed just days earlier were easily forgotten.

I assumed that Joe prematurely ejaculated and never finished the deed with Norrie.

Yeah! New dome, new cow cut in half, the show comes full circle.

If they wanted us to root for Big Jim they should have had him kill Junior in the first episode of the season.

Definitely Dawn. For a second it looked like she might take Joe's virginity, which is the most absurd thing I can think of.

SVD is right, I'm going to miss it a little. My spouse is all, "You can finally stop hate watching that show," and I'm all, "I don't wanna stop hate watching it!" Fuck, that show was terrible and yet I watched every damn episode, even going back to it on Amazon after deleting it from the DVR. I was addicted to the

No way. No fucking way. I'm so fucking done with this show I'm not even going to watch the trailer to remember what a giant pile of suck it was.

Seven seasons might have been good if they were 12 or 13 episodes per season. But since they weirdly restricted the number of episodes, I see no reason why they couldn't do Season 8 or 9.

It's not TV, it's HBO you fuck!

You are damn skippy about barely making use of the theme park idea. It was actually kind of amazing that in a movie like that they would make the theme park look so cheap. Every scene involving the theme park took place on the same set. Lame!

Well, there are two kinds of lawyers, plaintiff and defense. It is the defense lawyers representing the theme park and its insurers who would not allow it to open again.

I don't remember how they explained it, either, though I was pretty high when I watched it. I just assumed they said that the first park was different: the disaster happened before the park was finished, and it was the target of a deliberate shutdown and lockout of the security systems. The dinosaurs would have been