
As a small boy growing up in the late 70s and early 80s, there were two role models for manliness, when that term is defined as professional competence paired with a relaxed sexy swagger: Officer Ponch and Lando Calrissian. Please don't be making fun of Erik Estrada, who packed more charisma into those brown

There must be some reason that casting keeps calling him, but there must also be some reason that they keep refusing to put him on the show. Either way, he has now been officially rejected by America. Thank goodness.

That is an extremely weird hill to die on, but don't worry, I will comfort your wife.

Maybe the guy should get a clue that nobody wants to see him on their television again. If he didn't believe it when casting told him no again and again, maybe he will believe the vote. That dude sucks, his kind of behavior should not be rewarded with another chance to play.

"Note to Self: Do not become erect in Epcot."

Sorry, bro, but Rodney was pulling it off and Shane is a giant festering pustule on the asshole of a tubercular baboon. Hashtag Team Woo.

Which is a shame, because those girls have so much in common.

Copious drinking and fornication? Sounds like business school really paid off for you.

I agree about self-proclaimed experts, and I do not proclaim myself to be one. However, I get frustrated by the ignorance of comments like (paraphrasing here):

My position is and always has been that you can think the punishment is unfair, you can think Goodell sucks, you can think sports are stupid and those are all legitimate opinions. But saying that there is no evidence that Brady cheated is fucking stupid. The "tip" in question was a clear quid pro quo, not just a

Internal investigations are not so rare and weird that it is impossible two people on one message board have been involved with one. In fact, they are so common that they have their own name ("internal investigations").

It might be common practice to do that kind of thing, but far less common for "The Deflator" to say that he wants free stuff immediately after being told that he needs to do some more deflating. This isn't drawing a nonexistent line between a common giveaway and something that happened later and was unrelated. The

Hey, Brady is the one cheating on her, not me!

He's not only having sex with one aging supermodel. He is constantly, as one Pats fan here put it, giving back to the New England community.

Yes, when being told to tamper with equipment the low-paid staffer said, "I expect to get some free shoes out of this, but not due to any quid pro quo, just in recognition that I am poorly paid and the occasional pair of free sneakers makes it easier for me to put my kids through college." That is a possibility I

I will personally never have that experience, but in terms of my team winning — full disclosure — that would have been true for most of my life. As it happens, my favorite team since childhood came very close but frustratingly far from blocking Brady's most recent SB victory. I probably would have cried if I wasn't

I'm not sure I understand the use of the term "salty" in this context. Is that the experience non-NE fans have when licking up the bitter tears being shed by NE fans?

Is that all Tom Brady has done? Fund charities and give back to the community? Nothing but those things?

If you've ever actually conducted an investigation like this, you'd know that there are always gaps because we don't all have cameras recording us 24 hours a day. That's why the civil standard is preponderance of the evidence. Courts also have rules forcing people to turn over evidence that hurts them and allows

If you think that report had no clear evidence of Brady's wrongdoing, then nobody can fucking help you. It is crystal clear that he was bribing team staffers to tamper with equipment after it was checked by officials (kicks, anyone?) and also clear that he tried to cover it up after he was caught.