Eh, fuck that guy.
Eh, fuck that guy.
No big deal. Doctors know to add an automatic 25% whenever patients self-report their tobacco use, alcohol consumption, daily calories, and lifetime sexual partners.
I'd like to imagine Amy Schumer printing out your comment and taking it into the writer's room to read out loud. Everyone said grad school would be a complete waste, but your parents got their money's worth.
You think she's inescapable, but you have to try! Run, Johnny, keep on running and don't stop! That girl from basic cable may take over the planet, but she will never conquer your beautiful soul!
This is the worst fucking advice in the history of the universe. Here's some better advice: if you find yourself researching the meaning of the word "lietmotif" to gain a better understanding of Amy Schumer's pussy jokes, kill yourself because you are worthless.
Good point, but don't underestimate Rodney. He's a neanderthal, but he's no dummy. He's shown that he can be charming and persuasive when the situation calls for it, as long as he can control his emotions. I think he has a legit shot if he makes it to FTC.
I hope the comic has Charlie sideboob. That was easily the best thing about that show.
What a disappointment that so many members of the original cast are returning. This was the stupidest fucking show HBO has put on the air in a long time, just a giant steaming pile of shit. The only hope for a decent second season would be to jettison everything about the first season except the premise and see how a…
I don't think it is racism or face blindness, I think she is just not very smart. Like, at all. I'm super glad she's gone — though I'm surprised to find out that Salon is still a thing that exists.
This had me laughing the hardest, but it took me a second to realize what was going on: Richard had googled "how to neg" and picked up the lines used by lonely chauvinists. That's just what Richard would do. Very nice.
I've been thinking that years of having a giant mustache got him in the habit of moving his mouth too much in order to portray human emotion from behind that giant bush.
I looked again at the episode and the running appeared to be happening outside the wall. One person had a rifle strapped to her back and was in a full on, knees up sprint. That person did not show up at the scene of the fight (or else Rick's gun wouldn't have been such a big deal).
I'm thinking that this is going to…
Was it just my imagination, or did we see living humans running up to the wall in the last scene with Sasha? As she looked through her scope, it appears that a couple of the "walkers" were moving very fast and very straight.
I cannot see the video player due to ad blocker and the article has no link to where I can go for the original video. Embedding video without also providing a link to the source is the kind of clickwhoring you would expect from the Huffington Post.
Thank you! I'm so glad someone finally said it! Be honest, we were all thinking it…
You missed The Dana Carvey Show, which was glorious for all of two months.
"Also, the best Campbell's Chunky Soup is Sirloin Burger."
I do prefer to replace the comma after "partner" with a dash, but even after writing an entire grammar manifesto you still didn't tell us whether to use an em dash or an en dash. WHICH IS IT, MOTHERFUCKER?
Sagan contended that he never used the phrase "billions and billions." After hearing the video, I believe him. He says things like "tens of billions" or "a billion billion" but those are more precise terms. The phrase "billions and billions" came from SNL and stand-up comedians.
This show is so campy it makes me pitch a tent.