
I refuse to watch this because that game is just a stupider version of dirty-word Mad Libs. It's a game for children. The hardest thing about playing it is pretending to be amused even as the people around you are screaming with laughter at the oh-so-naughty phrases.

"All I can say is if I were Mark, I wouldn't have a problem with any of this because her sacrifices are clearly working out."

Wait, you think secretly recording and filming an avowedly private "secret date" with her estranged husband — when the filming is the very cause of their disintegrating marriage — is pretty benign? Jesus!

Given that the way I watch Love Actually is "not at all, ever, period" I doubt Clickhole will change anything.

"we knew these people better to make informed decisions about why we didn't like them"

Oh, no! Inconsistency in the Cherishverse! My Twitter followers are in for a rant (1/14).

I was not spoiled by a tweet because fuck Twitter, I never go there. But when I failed to fast forward all the way through the Talking Dead preview, and the nerd guy announced that there would be an interview with a cast member who we will want to hear from, I knew somebody was going to die in the final 10 minutes.

So is Gingersnaps supposed to be a version of Baby Girl?

Remember when this column gave useful and interesting advice instead of just running disturbing and depraved letters from disgusting freaks?

The first time I stumbled across that show and saw a scene of the whole cast in a living room watching a movie or something, I thought the Carteris character was the "cool teacher" who hangs out with the students on weekends.

Yeah, that was pretty sad. In case anyone who might delete this comment is wondering, I don't hate this site. I am certainly disappointed by the dramatic slide in the aggregate quality of the staff writers, but I've always been here more for the commenters than the writers.

In case anyone was wondering, this was in response to a comment in which I strongly implied (by stating directly) that the reviewer does not give a shit about doing a good job on reviews and certainly does not give a shit about commenters calling him out on that. That comment was removed by whichever glass dicks have

Small town, BOOM!

Are you not talking about the song running through the entire medley video?

Funny, you don't sound like you hate to say that. But why should you? Those little five year old kids are NOT going to be in the running for an acting Emmy this year! They suck! I bet everyone at kindergarten makes fun of them. I can't wait until they are old enough to read this, so they'll really know what I thought

Not regular, but enough to know he has taken up a joke that is as old as the comment section back when Gregggggg was still writing TMQ for Slate.

This column is what Gregggg Easterbrook wishes he could write.

At Mystery Science
Theater 3000
For 30 straight hours
And it's called Turkey Day
*gobble gobble*

All I remember about the 1991 Turkey Day is the lyrics to their song in the promo ads. It being Thanksgiving, I was of course too drunk and full of food to actually watch the marathon.

I always watch it on Friday night, through the magic of what used to be called TiVo until TiVo sucked too much and everyone just went with whatever DVR their provider gives them. The point is, record the show and watch it whenever you have time to drink heavily, as it is so much better that way.